The Diadem of Tears

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"V shaped formation!". I was training with my Anchemi, something we hadn't done for a long time. Cedar had been scratched, and his wing membrane torn, and it had taken some weeks for it to heal. I couldn't resist telling my Anchemi what had happened. The only person I didn't tell was Phantom.

Arctic flew by my left in the formation as Barney shouted over:

"So let me get this straight. They have overruled you and Electra and are going to kill Quaem tonight,". I nodded and called over when I realised he couldn't see.


He pondered over it as Stephen flew over.

"Does Quaem know?".

"No,". I replied. "He doesn't. Someone should let him know though,". And on my command, the formation wheeled round and flew back to the palace.

My paws padded softly as I walked to the dungeons, my golden scales glimmering in the light. With a leap, I soared down the stairs and, after nodding to the guard dragons, I spat on the ground. The gold shimmered, writhed and turned and, when it had solidified, I scooped it up in my mouth and unlocked the doors. Holding my head high, I entered Quaem's dungeon.

"You have returned,".

"Yes,". I could barely look Quaem in the eye. Although I had overthrown him, and he had been a bad ruler, I still felt guilty. At least he had wanted to be King. His next words threw me out of my reverie.

"I see you have still not claimed the Diadem of Tears,"

"The what?". Quaem looked amused.

"The council have not told you? There was a reason I disbanded the council. They were a load of lying, back stabbing slugs!". I laughed before replying:

"That's true. What is the diadem?". Quaem looked at me.

"The Diadem of Tears is far away, in the very corner of the land. There it is guarded by a fearsome beast, which is called the Orofile. The Orofile is big enough to create eight hills when it lies down and is known to be deadly. It guards the Diadem of Tears. The only way to get it is to be compassionate enough to make the Orofile cry. Then, and only then will you receive the Diadem and become the rightful ruler of dragons,".

"Why hasn't the council told me this?".

"Why would they? If you gained the Diadem of Tears, you would be powerful enough to disband the council. Forever,". I hummed in thought before looking up at Quaem.

"Step back,". I warned. He shuffled back as far as he could and I examined the chains. The gold rushed up my throat, and gushed out of my mouth, flowing over my teeth as I poured it over the chains. Quaem flinched, but I took no notice as it poured out over the chains. The pure heat made the chains melt and Quaem stared in shock as I did the other chains.

"Why?". He asked. I looked into his eyes, and saw shock and something I couldn't quite recognise.

"The council have decided to execute you at sunset. They overruled Electra and I. This was the only thing I could do,".

"But why? You could have let them. I was the previous King. My reign brought bloodshed and pain. I targeted one particular breed. Why would you free me?".

"Because you are still a human being or dragon or whatever. No one deserves to die at the hands of another,". Quaem looked pensive for a minute.

"Then allow me to assist you on your quest to the Orofile. If you do not go, you will never be fully classed as the rightful queen,".

"But I already have Electra,".

"She is very easy to spot in the air. If you wish, arrange a meeting with Electra so I may speak to her,". I nodded.

"Meet me in the Gorge of Alcansar at noon,".

Unlocking the door, I padded out and started chatting to the guards. Quaem slipped out as I locked the empty dungeon, changing the keyhole for good measure.


"Why not?", the fire drake argued. "I would protect her with my life, that I swear,".

"She is my rider!". Electra thrashed her tail angrily.

We were in the Gorge of Alcansar and Electra and Quaem were in an argument.

"Why on Earth would we trust you?".

"I was the one who told her about the Diadem of Tears! Even you must know about it,".

"It is folklore. That's all it is!".

"Are you sure?". Electra was silent. "Fine!". She roared out. "But you had better protect her with your life!".

"I will,". The drake solemnly swore as Electra looked up, hearing the bells that tolled for dinner.

"Go!". She ordered, nudging me. "I will stay behind to prevent suspicion,".

"What about the rest of the Anchemi?". I asked. Electra nuzzled me as I stroked the soft scales on her nose.

"I will tell them,". She replied, as I hugged her. "But I will not tell Phantom. He is already paranoid about Ceylon. The minute he finds out you and Quaem have disappeared, he will chase after you. You cannot revert into your dragon form or that defeats the point of me not going with you - both of our colours are far too obvious,".

I mounted Quaem as he began to flap his wings.

"Be safe,". I ordered as we rose into the air.

"You too,". Electra replied.

As the fire dragon and her rider flew up into the air, the Plasma Dragon sat on her haunches staring after them, long after they had disappeared from sight.

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