Adam's PoV - Epilogue

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I walked towards the centre of the landing zone, where the stone bodies of a plasma dragon and her rider stood in all their glory, the first sight any dragon would see when they landed.

The sky was a clear blue day, with little fluffy clouds dotted about. A faint breeze stirred my hair, and in distance I could see my fire dragon, Furnace, roaring his grief to the vast, empty sky. Nearby, I could see Cherry and Cedar sitting next to the statue of her brother and Atlas. Barney and Arctic sat nearby, offering emotional support, but I could see their grief stricken faces. It felt like we all lost a brother, and a sister. Striker stood at the statue next to Electra, but as I approached he nodded a greeting, before scuttling away to go back inside. The surgeon was hopeful that he would be able to fly again, but a few long years of rehabilitation awaited him. For now, he was helping Quaem readjust to being King. Every step I took towards the plasma pair felt heavy, and it was with a great sigh that I sat on the bench dedicated to them to look at them. Engraved in the bottom of the podium on which they had been placed, were the words:

Here are Amy and Electra, the most fair and just rulers the land has ever seen
Life was too short, death is too long.
May you forever fly together in the stars

I sighed, as I traced over the words. They looked so peaceful there, Electra with a passive, knowing smile and Amy with her hands on her dragon's neck, a laugh on her face. Why they looked so peaceful, I do not know. Whether it was because they were together until the very end, or because of some unknown reason that I will never find out, they looked happy. I stared at them, the bench creaking beneath me as the clouds drifted away, and the sun sank below the horizon. The stars glimmered and glittered above me, and absentmindedly I noticed a new star, the brightest star in the sky towards the North, twinkling. I sat there as the owls began to hoot and with the heavens open above me, I spoke, my words raw:

"Nothing's the same without you, Amy. Everything seems darker, less enjoyable. However I feel you were prepared for that possibility, as Cherry, Barney and I can all turn into dragons. Nothing as fancy as yours mind, we are all silver, not gold, but we all still miss y-".   

My voice broke and I swallowed, staring at Amy's face as I spoke my final words to her:

"I love you Amy. I always have, and I will til the end of my days. I know you felt the same,". I eased myself up from the bench, but as I turned to go, I could have sworn a tear ran down the statue's face.

The End

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