Chapter 11

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« H...Hey mom »

« Gracie, where in the hell are you? We're searching for you everywhere »

I looked at Colleen and I knew she could hear what my mother said when I saw her expression changed at least 3 times in a matter of seconds until she finally became really pale.

« I...I went on a w...walk » Colleen sighed in relief at my answer and I did the same, amazed by my ability to find a decent excuse on the spot.

« A walk? » My mom, however, sounded less pleased by my answer « With the state of your leg? »

Ah shit, how could I forget about that? The excuse suddenly felt a bit ridiculous. I needed a save. Quick, Gracie, think.

« I sa...sat on a bench for so...some time » Seemed good enough.

« Gracie, you should have told me or your friends, someone should be with you »

Oh, not that again. I wasn't a baby I could be left alone sometimes. Since I've been out the coma I was never alone, not even in my room; everyone kept checking on me and I knew they were worried but it was too much. I couldn't be left alone in my own thoughts. Maybe that walk wasn't a terrible excuse after all. I terribly needed time for myself.

Besides, mom, someone was with me it's just that you wouldn't like who it is. I glanced at the girl in question who was nervously shaking her leg up and down.

« I wan...wanted to be alone, I nee...needed to think »

« Well, next time tell us at least...Where are you? I'm coming to get you »

« No » I shouted, startling Colleen who almost fell from her chair. If she saw me with Colleen it was over. No more free time for me. Also, how would I even begin to explain properly my relationship with Colleen.

« Why not? » My mom started to sound angry. Shit, nothing good could come out from that.

« I wi...will come ba...back alone. I will be th...there in fif...fifteen minutes...please » I tried my best to plead my case and I heard her sigh on the other end.

« 15 minutes after that I'll search you myself and you better believe we're going to talk about this once you're home, understand? »

« OK mom »

My head started to hurt. Great, like I wasn't in enough pain already.

« Good. 15 minutes, Gracie »

With that, she hung up making me release the breath I was holding.

« Fuck » Colleen let out, making me look up. She had gotten up from her chair and was desperately pacing the room.

« Fuck, fuck, fuck »

I should be the one to freak out and yet I was the calmest one in this room even if what just happened definitely left me far from calm.

« Colleen, calm down »

She stopped in her tracks, taking a deep breath.

« Sorry » she said in embarrassment, passing her hand through her hair.

My hand grazed on my watch, reminding me that time kept ticking. I got up rather quickly assessing the support of my leg. It was better but still hurt like a bitch.

« We need to go down »

« Yeah...yeah »

She closed the window and placed back the chairs near the table; as she got near me she extended me her hand. I frowned.

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