Chapter 31

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I was finishing tidying the covers on the mattress that had been installed in Gracie's bedroom after much debate. Her parents wanting to originally settle me in the guest room but to Gracie's protests, they had agreed to let me sleep in her room, only if I was sleeping in a separate even though Gracie had a king-size bed. It really didn't matter to me. The fact that I was still even in the house was already enough to bless my heart.

The girls had left after the argument, making sure everything would be alright. Sarah was still a little hopeful for a fight and that kind of started to worry me. I don't think I had any place to say anything to her but I would surely talk about it with Gracie.

I lifted my head to her level as she was sitting on the bed watching me. Her parents had finally left the room. The idea of us in the same room was still troublesome for them but Gracie just bluntly told them that it wasn't like we were going to have sex in there. Which I got to say made me blush immensely and which made her parents even the more uncomfortable but understanding.

They had told me what my parents did at the hospital when we left and I knew it was why Gracie was looking over me since then with a deep attention.

They had finally completely given up on me. They couldn't handle it anymore. They talked about trashing my room and throwing all of my belongings away. They said I should have had existed and that sentence put Gracie's parents in shock. These words made them realized that's not what they wanted to do to their daughter. They almost lost her and that thought was unbearable to them. It made them questioned their intention and believes.

It didn't hurt me as much as I thought it would. Maybe because I always knew deep down that it would happen. Hope had always been false. But I was glad that that made her parents realized what was happening to them and to Gracie. If the bad things that were happening to me could help her, I would suffer every day.

The corners of my lips rose as I saw her concerned expression. She smiled back shyly, adverted briefly her gaze to the open door. Because God forbid what we could have done if it was close.

I readjusted my glasses putting myself up my feet.

« How are you feeling? »

She cocked my head to the side « I should be the one to ask you that? »

I chuckled and sat softly on the edge of her bed « I guess.... I expected it because I don't really feel bad » I took a deep breath « Before the accident, I talked to you a lot about how much I wanted to leave. I told you that the second I'll have my diploma I'll leave this city and found a job. You said that.... » I couldn't help but smile « You said that I should find a job where you'll go to college so we will be together »

She snorted « Sounds like the girl in the diary »

It was still weird to me how she referred about her past self like it was a complete other person but it was what it was for her I guessed. For me, for us, it was different. She had her body, her face, her expressions, her voice but when she talked it was....a new person.

She put her hand on mine, our eyes met.

« I...I really want to get to know you more, Colleen. I know I love you. That much I know of but we only got to know each other briefly. God, I don't even know your favorite ice cream flavor »

« Lime sorbet »

Her eyes widened « Really? »

« Yeah, you never understood why » I laughed.

A knock a the door made our heads snapped in its direction. Gracie's mom came in with an empathetic smile, her eyes fell on our linked hands, she inhaled deeply and cleared her throat before she looked at me.

« My husband went to get your belongings »

« Thank you »

« It's normal » she replied, looking around the room visibly nervous « I'm sorry for what we put you two through »

« Mom » Gracie let out.

« No, Sweetie » she shook her head « I should have never treated you like that, nor you Colleen »

Gracie slowly got up and went to hug her. I wanted to join them but I thought it might be too much.

Maybe everything will be ok now. 


Hey, everyone! 

Hope you liked it? 

See you next week


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