Chapter 20

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I stood in Gracie's street, staring at her house from afar.

I didn't want to get too close. Just in case.

I had never been here. Too afraid that someone might see me hanging out around her house and make the connection.

I stood there, unsure of how to proceed. The only sure thing was that I wanted to see her or at least understand what was happening. I had texted her again. Begging her to call me or just send a text if she saw it. I told her I was getting worried and her friends too. But nothing. Not a single word. No even a letter.

« What are you gonna do, stupid? »

I jumped in fear. Sarah was looking at me, hands in her pockets. Chilling.

« What the hell, Sarah? »

She put a hand up in front of her, shaking it around « Please, don't say my name. It's already difficult enough as it is »

My brow knitted. What was difficult? Being here? With me?

Yeah, probably me. I was always the problem.

« Why are you here? » I asked.

She sighed, looking in direction of Gracie's house.

« I'm here because I want to know where my friend is » she looked back at me « I care about her....just but in a different way. You know? A friendly way.» she gestured at me with a slightly disgust expression. « Plus, she has some explaining to do » she glanced me up and down.

Of course, she did. How could she be with someone like me, right?

We stared at each other in silence for a moment before she shook her head and looked back at Gracie's house.

« So, no activities? »

« No » I sighed « Nothing »

She nodded. I did too. It was awkward.

« I also came because Bella was worried about you » I looked at her but she kept staring at the house « About what stupid shit you might get yourself into » she let out « I told her I'll come here and keep an eye on you to appease her »

« » I was unsure what to say about that. It was nice to see that Bella cared about me even if we didn't really know each other. When it came to Sarah, well, it was weird that she cared but maybe she was realizing that one of her best friends wasn't the person that she thought she was and she started to reassessed who she thought she was. And maybe accept her.

« Don't thank me. I'm here for Bella and Gracie not you »

I chuckled. Maybe I spoke too soon. What was I expecting anyway? I couldn't expect to change someone view of the world. But I had hoped she would be nicer. Guess not.

« So, what's your genius plan? » she asked.

« I...I don't have any »

She laughed « Bella said you were smart but apparently not »

Ok, now she started to get on my nerves. I didn't have the patience to deal with this when Gracie was still missing.

« Well, what do you suggest, smarty? » I spatted.

Shit, maybe I went a little too strong. I shouldn't have shown my anger like that because her eyes left the house and stopped on me with a deadly glare. She advanced toward me and I saw her fist clenched. Shit.

« What did you just say? »

« I knew you two wouldn't play nice together »

Suddenly, Paige appeared and snatched our hands, dragging us to a car. She pushed us in the back seat where Bella already was. Ivanna in the passenger seat. Paige got in the driver's one quickly. I was squeezed in between Bella and Sarah. It was really uncomfortable.

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