Chapter 17

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The weight around my neck loosened up to finally disappear. I coughed heavily, trying to inhale the best I could. My vision came back to normal after a bit. Sarah was still on top of me but she was turned toward Bella, her arms limped to her side. The tiny girl was still held by Ivanna and Paige but they slowly let go. They were all in shock after what she had said. Bella's attention was on me however.

« Are you ok? » she asked and the girls turned their gaze toward me. I nodded, massaging my throat as she rushed to my side.

« Are you? » I difficulty let out in a hoarse voice. Bella kneeled next to me and looked up at Sarah who was still on top of me. I couldn't even find it funny or enjoy the pun of it. I was sure I would have a bruise tomorrow if it's not today. My throat was burning at every inhale. I coughed again. Sarah was one hell of a fighter.

« Can you please get up from her? » Bella asked in a small voice « Please, Sarah? »

The girl in question was too shocked to even object, she got up looking at me one last time and I didn't like what I saw in her eyes. If death had eyes it would be hers. She joined Ivanna and Paige who were still at the same place, observing the scene looking like they just looked into Medusa's eyes.

Bella took a hold of my arm, helping me straightened up. I continued coughing, air feeling like fire in my body. As I got up, I felt a sharp pain in my ribs. I almost forgot about that one.

Once up, I glanced at the three girls who all had different expressions on their faces. Sarah, well, looked like lasers would come out of her eyes to kill me, Ivanna had her mouth open in complete shock and Paige looked like the soccer mom who actually knew nothing about soccer and was unsure if her kid did good or bad.

I glanced at Bella who looked like she was ready to get scold but at the same time was owning it. I kind of felt proud and happy. For once in my life, someone else than my lover was actually on my side and I never expected it would be her. Our eyes met, I could see the uncertainty in them as well as the fear. I tried to send her an 'everything will be alright' look and her lips slightly rose up before she looked back at the three girls ahead.

« What do you mean by 'she's Gracie's girlfriend' » Paige asked, air-quoting Bella.

The tiny girl sighed, moving closer to them. I knew I shouldn't intervene and let her explain. It would be better this way, so I sat on a chair still rubbing my throat.

« I literally found out yesterday » she said, looking back at me but I didn't say anything instead I sent her an encouraging smile. « It started before her accident »

« Bullshit » Sarah interrupted, pointing ragingly in my direction « She took advantage of the fact that Gracie was amnesic to feed her some delusional sick bastard »

I sighed, not even caring about the insult. I had had plenty and this one was just another to add to the pile. What pinched my heart was the fact that Gracie was involved in this one. That's exactly what we had tried to avoid before and what I wanted to protect her from now.

« Let me speak » Bella stood firm on her ground and I was rooting for her in my mind. I kind of liked her. She seemed like a great girl as I got to know her.

« Ok..OK...Talk, please » Paige took a hold of Sarah's shoulder, pulling her back and trying to calm her « We're listening ».

« Good » Bella took a deep breath, pacing around « It started before her accident » she looked at Sarah who only scoffed but it was enough for Bella to roll her eyes « Gracie is sure of it because she found her diaries »

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