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In life things never turn out as you expect them to do. Especially if you lose your memories and had to rediscover who you were and who you are. I lost mine years ago and still hadn't recovered them and I don't expect to regain them either at this point. The scariest about it all is that I almost lost the people I love. One in particular. Someone hid from the rest.


Erased from my memory. Unknown from my entourage. Only a name written on pages of a hidden diary. A person too shy to reveal the impossible truth.

Looking back, I can't imagine never discovering it. I often wonder what would have been different, if she hadn't told me or even if I never had this accident. It feels off to believe that life could have gone differently and if I could go back, I would do exactly the same even if it was painful.

« Gracie » Colleen called from the front door « We found this damn sauce » she sighed, taking off her boots followed by Matt who imitated her.

After some time of resentment, they had discovered a common passion for electronics and weirdly became the best of friends and had now opened a business together.

We had moved to the big city, not only Colleen and me but also my family and our friends once we graduated high school. As Colleen started working in an electronics shop, I went to college alongside the girls. We shared an apartment with them before Colleen and I got our own, actually not far away from my parents' house. And for the first year since we moved in, we were hosting the Christmas dinner.

« Perfect timing » my mom walked out of the kitchen taking the packet from Colleen.

« It's was a nightmare » Matt grunted « People are crazy on Christmas »

« Couldn't agree more » Sarah took a sip of her hot wine from the couch.

Despite still having a hard time socializing, she had made impressive progress. Turned out her aggressive behavior had deeper roots than expected. Her parents' careless behavior toward her had scarred her for life. She had started therapy in college and hasn't stopped ever since. A decision grandly influenced by Colleen. They had made a deal to go together after Colleen had caught her having a panic attack in our shared apartment and since Colleen had anxiety problems of her own they became each other moral support.

« Come get your wine you two » my dad showed the two glasses that Bella was pouring for them « It'll warm you up »

The tiny girl, now a pre-school teacher handed it to them with her contagious warm smile before going to sit next to Ivanna who was quickly texting her assistant some instructions on their new cosmetic line production.

« Almost ready » Paige peeked her head from the kitchen, having some flour in her hair which caused me to giggled. For a professional cook, she always looked messy after her time in a kitchen.


The fresh air of the balcony was welcomed after the heat from inside. The stars were appeared through the city lights giving this night an even more magical feeling.

I felt a pair of hands wrapped around me as the person back-hugged me. I smiled knowing out of all people here Colleen would be the only one to do it.

« Diner's ready » she whispered in my ear « How's your leg? You've been up all day » her chin moving against my shoulder as she spoke.

« Does hurt....yet » I made her chuckle as my smile widened too.

After a few moments of peaceful silence, I told her something that had been in my head most of the day « We should tell them tonight. It's the perfect opportunity »

« Or...you can put the ring on and yet until someone notice »

I laughed, caressing her hands on my stomach.

« Sounds fun »

She kissed my cheek from the side.

« I love you »

« I love you too » I didn't hesitate to reply because that was one of the things I was the surest in my life. I always loved Colleen Witzel and always will.


Hey, everyone!

Hope you enjoyed with book?

Thank you for taking this beautiful journey with me and for making me want to write more.

I hope I'll see you around :)


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