Chapter 32

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My dad had come back with Colleen's belongings. Her parents had told him to get rid of her, that she was a cancer that couldn't be eradicated. Thankfully, he wasn't agreeing with their say and Colleen wasn't even affected by it no more. She only words coming out of her mouth were « As excepted ». It angered me how they could treat her that way yet I knew now that they would leave her alone definitely. They wouldn't hurt her anymore and that was a small consolation.

After she had left to take a shower, I heard her call my brother and curiosity got the best of my condition. I limped my way to the door, staying at the doorframe. Matt had his hand on the doorknob visibly angry and Colleen was standing a few meters away.

« I love your sister dearly. It is not fake nor weak. I know you don't approve but by doing so you hurt your sister. She gave to this world, to you, nothing but love. She deserves everything in return. Please, I know I'm not the person you wanted for your sister but she's still the Gracie you love. Think of that »

He stared at her with such disdain that it physically hurt me. I know he was angry and that in his mind she was the villain and I got seduce by it but it still hurt nonetheless. I hoped with time, like my parents, he would come around.

He opened his door without a word and closed it to her face. Colleen sighed, taking off her glasses and put her hand over her face closing her eyes.


« That feels so good » I moaned softly.

Colleen chuckled while she kept massaging my leg that's the moment my parents choose to come in the living room. Colleen's laughed died as she cleared her throat, directing her concentration back to my leg.

« What are you doing? » my mom sat next to me with squinted eyes at what Colleen was doing.

« Colleen learned massage techniques to relieve my leg and knee from the pain »

« Well, that's interesting » my father leaned over her shoulder to look properly.

« I didn't know if it would work but when I did it to her last time it really seemed to help » Colleen said passionately.

« Glad to hear » my father met my eyes and sent me a smile like I never see him do.

The doorbell rang, he broke his gaze and went to open. The girls walked in the living room in a mix of anxiousness and relief. Bella immediately brightly greeted us before sitting on the other side of me, exchanging a smile with Colleen. She was quickly followed by Ivanna and Paige who took more time to greet my parents. Sarah casually sat on one of the armchairs.

There was an awkward that settled until my mom got up « How about we take lunch together »

She earned a general approval.

« Please, tell me you're gonna make these delicious ribs » Sarah almost begged.

« Only if you help me » my mom chuckled and Sarah jumped out of the armchair and ran to the kitchen behind my mom, making us all laugh.

« So the way to her heart is food, uh? » Colleen pulled back my pants back down.

« Always been » Paige chuckled. 


Hey, everyone! 

Hope you enjoyed this fluffy chapter. 

Next chapter will be the epilogue. Thank you to you all for having accompanied me along this wonderful journey that is this book. :) 

I hope you will follow my other projects.


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