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jamless whore

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jamless whore



nothing is emergency unless you grow taller than me

jamless whore

thats indeed my biggest dream

but no

first of all

are you okay?



jamless whore

oh no you're not

there must be sth behind your lastest instagram post


it's just

ppl keep attacking joohyun for being 4 years older than me

that we don't deserve each other

jamless whore

i see

social media is dangerous

there are always ppl who wander around leaving shits wherever they go

just like untrained dogs

so what does "AIJAN" mean?

"age is just a number"

you can't figure it out?

jamless whore

so it wasn't "ass is joohyun's appealing nastiness"?

jesus christ sometimes ur negative IQ is just amazing

but her ass is super juicy ngl

jamless whore


go take a bite

bitch no that woman will flatten my pretty face with an iron

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