Ask #25

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ZenthonEcho asks:
Are the recruits going to meet the professor's human partners?

Medix, with some bandages on and Cody on his shoulder: *as Hotshot and Kade are fighting in the background* oh we've met them plenty of times! They don't come over to the Academy often so when they do we try our best to spend the whole day with them.

Whirl: *with Dani next to her* Chief Burns isn't here today though... he said that he needed to do his rounds on Griffin Rock...

Dani: *gently places her hand on Whirl's leg* don't worry Whirl you'll get a chance to see him. So for now how about you show me your new flying skills.

Whirl: yay!!!!! *runs off with Dani*

Hotshot: *walking angrily away from Kade*

Medix: *as Cody gets off his shoulder and goes after Kade* oh dear... what happened now?

Hotshot: he's just too much! He's such a hothead!

Kade: you are too you butt!

Hotshot: *yelling at him* BUTTFACE!


Hotshot: FUCKASS!


Medix: enough! You two need to stop calling each other names! You're rescuers, remember?! And you're both acting like children!

Hotshot: but... I am a chil-

Medix:  zip it.

Hotshot: *squeaks* yes ma'am.

Kade: *whispers to Hotshot* yeesh. And you're dating him??

Hotshot: yep. Pray for me.

Kade: *fist bumps him* I gotchu bro.

Cody: *wow*


Graham: *wincing*

Hoist and Wedge: *proudly presenting their small shed made completely out of logs, leaves, and mud* ta da!!!

*it falls apart*

Hoist: aw...

Wedge: dangit!

Graham: *takes a deep breath and then smiles* let's try again guys. I'll help you this time.

Hoist and Wedge: yay!

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