Dare #68

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WolfGalaxiaOwl dares:
I dare Hotshot to try stilettos like Medix's.

Medix: *to Whirl* do it while he's recharging.

The girls: *evil laughter*

*the next morning*

Recruits: *shoot up from their berths when they hear terrified screaming*

Medix: *looks down at the floor from his berth* well that was one hell of an alarm.

Hotshot: *on the floor* WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME.

Medix: do what?

Hotshot: THIS


A/N: don't mind me I just felt like I needed to draw it :P

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A/N: don't mind me I just felt like I needed to draw it :P

Medix: *trying not to laugh* technically, it wasn't me.

Hotshot: oh but you were a part of it.

Medix: well, yes. You were dared to have stilettos like mine. But since your pede is so wide, we had to improvise.


Medix: *serious tone* if you keep yelling at me like that I'm making sure those stay on you permanently. Now, you are going to complete this dare and wear them for the day. Understood?

Hotshot: *meep* yes ma'am.

Medix: excellent. Now let's head out and get ready for our classes.

Hotshot: *tries to stand but his legs are wobbling like crazy* baby. Help. Please.

Medix: *walks over to him* try taking a few steps forward *brings out phone*

Hotshot: *using the berth and nightstand to support himself* put the phone away!

Medix: no. Now try walking.

Hotshot: you're a terrible coach babe *tries walking two steps and ends up collapsing* HOW DO YOU DO THIS?!

Medix: *helping him up* with good posture and a confident stride *supports him as they walk out together* heel, toe, heel, toe-

Wedge, as soon as he sees Hotshot's new pedes:

Wedge, as soon as he sees Hotshot's new pedes:

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