3 - Dear Evan Hansen, I'm Screwed

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Evan's therapist told him to write letters to himself, but he definitely wasn't in the mood to be positive. So maybe the letter wasn't exactly positive, but it described his emotions pretty well. He was in the computer lab to print it out, so he looked over it once more, just in case.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Turns out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing week or an amazing year, because why would it be?

I know, because there's Jared and there's Connor, and all my hope is pinned on them, who might not even be my stupid soulmates. Maybe if I could just talk to them about it. Maybe nothing would be different at all. I wish everything was different.

I wish I was part of something. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. I mean face it, would anyone if I just disappeared tomorrow?

Sincerely, your best and most dearest friend, me

Yeah it wasn't the happiest thing in the world, but Evan wasn't either. He printed it out.

He walked over to the printer, looking down as always. Just as he was about to take it, somebody else did. "Is this yours?" Connor Murphy. The same Connor Murphy that he had talked to earlier that day. The same Connor Murphy that Jared wanted to kill.

"Y-yeah, thanks."

"Here, then." Connor's eyes went to Evan's arm. "How'd you break your arm?"

"I-I fell out of a tree actually," Evan said, scared of Connor's uncharacteristic kindness.

Connor was silent for a moment, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "That is the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard."

"Yeah, I know."

"Can I sign your cast?" Evan paused to look at Connor for a moment. His hand was extended to grab the paper. His wrist, which, as Evan had noticed earlier, had two flowers. He could see what they were, the same buttercup as Jared had and the same Zinnia as Evan had. Evan wasn't an idiot, he knew what that meant.

"Yeah." Evan pulled a sharpie out of his pocket and handed it to the taller boy. Connor grabbed his arm and pulled it over to him roughly. (kInKy) He wrote his name in big letters. "Oh. Great."

Connor laughed softly. "Yeah, well now we can both pretend we have friends."

"Right, that's... yeah." Connor still held Evan's sharpie.

"Hey, I can write my number on your other arm. Just in case, y'know, Kleinman is as much of a bitch as he looks."

"Jared isn't really... yeah, sure." Hey, a friend is a friend. Connor wrote down his number. (666-6969)

"See you around. Text me later," Connor said, turning around to leave.

"Well, that went well," Evan mumbled to himself.


"Evan, I hate to say it, but you're an idiot aren't you?"

Of course, Jared didn't exactly see it the same way Evan did.

Does that count as a cliffhanger? I always end my chapters on a really happy note idk why

~ Sincerely meee

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