12 - Evan Misses Out On Things When He's Gone

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Warning: Extreme Kleinphy fluff

Evan was sick. Jared had to force him to stay home while he visited Connor, but it was probably for the best. Didn't want Evan getting himself in the hospital too.

"Connor, hey," Jared said as he entered the room. Weird. There was nobody there.

"Jared." Connor was on his phone.

"Sooo... any... memories?" Jared asked, sitting next to Connor on the hospital bed. Connor rolled his eyes.

"Nope. Sort of peaceful not having things to think about honestly. Easy to bury myself in trash YouTube." Jared nodded, trying not to let his disappointment show. "I'm depressing, aren't I?"

Jared nodded, smiling a little. "Least your still the Connor that I know and L-ike."

"Nobody... nobody exactly told me how I ended up here. They just sort of looked at me sadly and changed the subject. You have any insight?" Connor asked. Jared bit his lip. "You gonna do the same thing?"

"No. No, I just... I was there when it happened. You... you got sort of angry at... at Evan and I, so you stormed off and you went across the street. But a car came and sort of... hit you." Connor looked down and smiled. "Do you remember?"

"That's the saddest fucking way to almost die," Connor said. He laughed. Jared smiled.

"It's nice."


"It's nice to hear your laugh, y'know. I guess I just missed you," Jared said.

"I'm not the same guy. It's different. I'm not the dude you fell in love with or whatever. I can barely remember anything about you and yet you still... love me." Connor ended with a questioning tone of voice.

"If only you knew," Jared muttered. "Besides, I never really... I mean, I... you're still Connor. Just Connor minus the bad memories."

Connor yawned. "Oh, right I haven't exactly been able to sleep lately."

"Connor Mike Murphy," Jared said in a mock disciplinary tone. (big words wow)

"I know, I know. You know, I might not remember you, but you are hot." Jared blushed, and he hated himself for it.

"Shut the fuck up, Murphy."

"You love me."

Jared grinned. "Prove it then."

"Maybe I will." Connor closed the gap between the two of them. Jared wanted to melt into the kiss, to run his hands through Connor's hair. He wanted to, so badly. But Connor was right. He wasn't himself, he probably just thought Jared was hot. Jared pulled away. "What?" Connor asked, looking a little disappointed.

"I... I have to go."

*insert jenna marbles hellll yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh*

~ DJ

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