19 - Moments

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I got obsessed with A Little Bit Of Light and I'm naming the chapters after them (you can't stop it)

tw: anxiety, panic attack, discussions of death/suicide

Also can we maybe refrain from making references because there's opportunities, but like...subject matter isn't exactly light

Evan was in his neighborhood, just walking around. He tried texting Connor, but he got no response. Then he got a text from Jared.

InsanelyLame: Zoe said Connor isn't home did you text him?

TreeBoy: Yeah he didn't answer

InsanelyLame: What if he...

TreeBoy: Oh there he is

Connor had texted them both, in the group chat.

TheEmo: im sorry guys

That couldn't mean anything good.

InsanelyLame: Connor?

TreeBoy: Don't do it Con

You can't talk.

TheEmo: i have to i cant make it stop


InsanelyLame: Connor where are you we'll stay with you for however long you need

TheEmo: what if youre too late?

It couldn't happen.

TreeBoy: Connor please

Could it?

InsanelyLame: Everything is gonna be okay Connor where are you

TheEmo: orchard


InsanelyLame: Are you okay?

TreeBoy: We're coming

TheEmo: i love you

Not like this.

InsanelyLame: Connor we'll be there don't worry

TheEmo: im sorry


TreeBoy: Connor?

InsanelyLame: Connor????


Both Jared and Evan tried reaching him, but none of their attempts succeeded. Jared agreed to pick up Evan and they would both go to the orchard.

By the time Jared got to Evan, he was a shaking, crying mess. Jared tried to calm him down with a hug. "We...we have to get to... to the orchard," Evan said as Jared wrapped his arms around him. "Jared we gotta help...find Connor."

"Evan," Jared said, sounding a little frustrated. "Connor will...he'll be fine." Both of them saw the lie in his statement, neither said a word. "I'm not letting you go anywhere like this."

"Jared," Evan said, hyperventilating. Jared buried his head in Evan's chest. "Jared, you know the...the possibilities."

"Just calm down, you're having a panic attack, Ev," Jared told him, not moving.

"Jared, we have to help Connor."

"Not until you stop hyperventilating." Evan sighed, knowing he was getting nowhere with his persuasion. He hugged Jared back, (#Evanisaslutforhugs) Jared kissed him.

"Jared, we really do need to get to Connor, I mean...you know," Evan said. Jared nodded and buried his head into Evan's chest once more.

"You're breathing like a normal person again, so let's go." Both hopped in the car.d

"You seriously expect my calmness to last?"

"Nope. To Connor!" Jared shouted, turning the key.

"To Connor," Evan repeated. He knew what was about to happen, both of them knew. Neither wanted to admit it. "Connor." He wasn't gone. He wasn't dead. He couldn't be. "Jared?"

Maybe he was.

"Yeah, Ev?"

"He won't survive, will he? You can't...you can't really believe that, you can't." Jared glanced at Evan for a moment. There was a flicker of sadness in his eyes, quickly replaced by the usual look.

"Of course, I believe it. Anything's possible...right?" Jared asked, sounding more like he was trying to convince yourself.

"Right. Yeah, you're right."

A car ride in silence. It led to everything else. To the end of a life.

~ DJ

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