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Uhh since it's TomTord- Tom is top because logic aha
Dead inside

- Tord's POV -
I walked the crowded stores of the mall with the group of friends I've been with since kindergarten.
Tom stuck out of the bunch due to his oddly black eyes and his unusual hair.
I think he looked cute.
I guess I was staring too long because he snapped.
"What are you looking at?"
"OH-OH- Nothing!" I whipped my head around, with an obvious blush.
Tom looked rather skeptical and decided to sneak up behind me.
He grasped my arm, pulling backwards.
"GAH!" I yelped, whacking the black-eyed boy. "Oh shit! Sorry Tom!"
Tom looked rather satisfied.
"Damn, you slap like a girl."
He snickered.
"Fuck you.."
"Tord! Tom! Let's go!" Edd called, me and Tom rushed towards the exit.
I managed to beat the taller man with laughter.
"You had an advantage; you're short."
Tom huffed.
"And you had a disadvantage."
I smirked.
"Alright boys, let's go." Edd lead us to the car.

During the car ride back home, I groaned as I listened to Matt complimenting himself.
"Dude, shut up!" I spat.
Matt glanced back in shock.
"Watch you're mouth Tord!" Edd hissed.
"Whatever." I mumbled.
Tom looked unamused, but smirked as I got in trouble for some stupid ass reason.

We finally arrived home and I rushed to my bed and flopped over onto it.
I could hear faint arguing as it got late. I wonder what's up now..

It was about 12 am when things got real heated. There were shouts and bottles clinging. I sprinted out and widened my eyes.
"TOM!" I rushed and tugged on his arm.
"Let go-go commie." He snapped, prying my hand off with hiccups in between.
"Tom go to your room!" I shouted at him, he gave a whimper and he scurried off.
I glanced at Edd and Matt, their faces frightened.
"Edd- Edd are you okay?! Matt?!"
"We're fine, Tord.. Go to Tom." Edd pushed my hand away as I reached for Edd's hand.
"Alright." I walked to Tom's room.
I knocked hesitantly.
"Tom- Tom look." I slightly opened his door.
"What do- What do you want?" Tom stuttered.
"I know you're upset, but look, you put your friends in danger-"
"Shut up Tord- Tord." He spat.
"Excuse me?!" I glared at him.
He pulled me into his room.
I yelped as he slammed the door shut.
"What- What are you doing?!"
Tom huffed and locked the door.
"Getting a little revenge.~"
"Revenge?! For what?!"
"For you're little stunt on confronting me."
"You're making no se-"
Tom slammed his lips into mine and demanded an entrance. I swiftly declined. His breath reeks.
He growled and grasped my ass, making me gasp and him quickly shoving his tongue in my mouth.
"Tom-Tom..." I breathed out as he pulled away.
"Yes Tordy?"
"Why-Why are you doing this?!" I spat.
He looked amused.
"I had a thing for you. I noticed you were staring at me in the mall."
That was quite clear for a intoxicated man..
Tom smirked at me and began to palm me through my jeans.
I gave some quiet moans, but Tom seemed to not approve completely of the moans so he pressed his knee on my dick, making me moan much louder.
"TOM!~" I breathed out.
I didn't answer, I was out of breath already.
He took that as a chance to slide my pants and boxers off as well as his.
He began to hum as he proceeded to escort our shirts to the floor as well.
"Tom- Tom I don't think we should do this-..."
"Too late Tordy." He hummed once more, his member lining up with my hole.
"Do it.."
I started to become rather needy.
"Alright you horny communist." He smirked.
He took a breath and stuck his shaft into my asshole.
"Ahh...~" I breathed out a moan, wrapping my arms around Tom's neck.
"Tell-Tell me when.." Tom proceeded to state. I gave a quick nod and he began to thrust in and out.
At this point of the time, I was a moaning mess and began to drool.
"You-You're so tight, Tord.."
"Ah ha...~" I couldn't speak properly, pleasured moans only escaped my gaped oral cavity.
"Ba-Baby I'm about to-" Tom huffed, his thrusts were noticeably sloppier.
"Ahh ahh~ Me- Me too!" I managed to create words this time.
He shoved deeper into my sore ass and from then on I felt his seed fill my asshole.
I came on both of our stomachs, a loud moan escaping my mouth.
"Tom that- Tom that was amazing.." I breathed heavily.
"Yeah but- Yeah but I have something to say.." He smirked.
"I wasn't drunk the entire time, that was a set up. All of us knew you were into me." He laughed.
"WHAT?!" I slapped him upside the head and shouted at him.
"Woah woah- Tord calm down. At least you enjoyed it.~" Tom kissed my forehead, I huffed and snuggled into Tom's blankets.
"Now let me sleep asshole." I flopped sideways, covering my body with another blanket.
"Alright sweets." He chuckled.
"Sh-shut up!" I hissed.

"I love you too." Tom giggled as he exited his room.

- 886 words -

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