EddMatt (Part 1)

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Part two will be sin, it's taking too long unless you want to read 1,000 words then, yeah.
Epic gamer moment right here boys
inspired by the pic. (Not really)

- Matt's POV -
We at some park roaming around. We've been cooped up in the house for a while and it's been boring.
I was currently with Edd at the moment, talking about crushes of some sort. I don't remember why we started talking about that, but I was kind enough to let it pass without questioning it too much.
"So, Matt, who do you like?"
I snapped into reality again.
"Repeat that please?.." I asked, a chill running down my back.
"Oh, okay. Who do you like?"
Edd stared at me, he really wanted an answer.
"Well, out of two people, of that being myself or you, I might want to choose you."
The green hooded boy stopped in his tracks and stood there with his palms in his face.
"Haha Edd? What's wrong?" I giggled, pushing away his hands.
"You like me?!" He bursted out, most likely on the verge of tears. He seemed pretty happy to cry.
"Yeah I do! Why wouldn't I?"

After we confessed to each other, we started to pass compliments on each other. Giggles once and a while.
It was fun to spend time with Edd.
It was good to get those feelings out on my cola boy.
"So, Matt, are we a thing?"
"A thing?"
"Yes.. Dating.."
"OH! If you want to." I gave a nervous chuckle.
"Yes. I want to date you, Matty."
"Oh hehe. I want to date you also lil' cola boy."

- Time skip -

Me and Edd arrived home, Tom greeting us.
"So what did you guys do, love birds?"
"Love birds?" I questioned Tom.
"You two are holding hands, aha."
"What?" I looked at me and Edd's entwined hands.
"O-Oh." Edd began to gain a blush.
"Alright, let's go to my room, Edd."
I practically drug him into my room that was filled with my pictures.
"Matt, I think you need to- Calm down with your face."
"Are you insane?!"
"Edd, come sit down." I patted my beside me.
"Sit here, or here." I pointed at my lap once more.
"O-Oh." Edd gained more of a blush.
He decided to sit on my lap.
I giggled, petting his head.
"You're very cute, Edd." I gave a kiss to his forehead.
"Hehe, you're very handsome."
"Yes Matty?"
"Want to take things further?"


Part two coming soon my hungry gay children.

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