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Matilda is dom cuz Ell is bby

- Ell's POV -

I was sad today..
Tam and Tori finally move out.
They got new apartments, so me and Matilda are left. :(

I mean, Matilda's great!
She loves to help me cook and stuff.
Just a wonderul roommate.

Something's been off though.
She's been hiding more than usual.
So today I decided we should play some board games.
We could invite Tam and Tori over, unless they're busy...

Other than that I have a bunch of game picked out.
From CandyLand to Monopoly, I think Matilda will enjoy the time with me.

I picked up my phone and called Tam.
Figuring Tori was there too.

She picked up, but her voice seemed shaky.
"H-Hey Ell."
"Would you guys like to come over? Matilda was locked in her room for some time, so I planned a game night."
"Oh y-yeah! Sounds fun."
I heard a few yelps before springing the question.
"You okay?"
Tam groaned.
"We'll be there s-soon."

I ended the call.
That was odd.

I shouted for the ginger.
No answer.
I trudged to her door, before I knocked, I pressed my ear upon the door and heard groans. Similiar to Tam's.


The girl groaned more, I could hear her.
I slammed the door open and was greeted with Matilda;
Her legs spread open and her hand near her pussy.

I blushed. "I'M SO SORRY!"

I shrieked and covered my eyes.

Before I knew it, Matilda was pinning me into the bed.
I opened my eyes and was greeted with a lustful Matilda.

"Wh-What are you doing?"
I felt a finger into me.

Since when was I undressed?
Everything was blank.
I was in pure bliss right now.
I could care less.

The woman thrusted her fingers into me, earning moans and whimpers.
She continued until a certain spot drove me to insanity.

My legs were quivering, my arms  around the woman's neck.
Matilda continued to finger that spot.

My body was ready to cum.
I felt a certain feeling.
I guess seeing a woman undressed was making me cum quickly.

I squirted my cum onto her fingers,
whining loudly with my legs shaking.

Tam and Tori stood in the door frame with smirks.

"Yeah, I knew it."
Tam flirted, kissing Tori.

"Since when did you like each other?"
"Tsk, how did you not know over the phone. That moaning mess busted a nut."
The Norwegian woman chuckled.

- 418 words -

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