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Tom is dom

- Third POV - (ohhh)

Edd woke up in a sweat.
He was panting awfully hard at the moment.
While he was calming down, he tried to piece together what happened in his.. "dream.".
All he remembered was Tom.
Edd always had a crush on Tom.
This time, the "dream" caused Edd realized he liked Tom more than he knew.

He was erect from his little dream of Tom.

- Edd's POV -

I began to freak.
If I wake him up, he'll be disgusted..
I began to think.
Tom does this too.. Doesn't he?
I stood from my green coloured bed and snuck my way into the hallway.
A board creaked.
I froze, glancing around a few times before continuing.
As I stopped near Tom's room, I heard some muffled sounds.
I leaned against his door and noticed they were more like groans.
I knocked.
I heard a yelp and more shuffles until a frightened Tom flew open the door.
"Uh.. Hi Tomm?" I giggled nervously.
"What?" Tom was clearly doing something.
"I was just checking on you-"
Tom looked unamused.
"What do you want?"
As soon as I knew I told him my feelings and about the stupid dream.
He nodded a few times until he spoke;
"I think we may have shared a dream."
I huffed.
"Really?- That sounds stupid."
"Your dream sounds stupid."
I gave another blow before I stood up.
"Wait, dude, you have a-"
"SHUT IT-" I gave a whisper-yell.
He giggled and grabbed my hand as I tried to turn the knob.
He stopped me mid-sentence and gave my tender lips a soft kiss.
He soon deepened it by caressing my hips and thighs.
I gasped as he slithered his hand down my green pj pants.
"Yes baby?~"
"G-Go slow on me."
He gave a warm smile and continued to undress me.
He stared at me with comforting 'eyes.'
"S-Stop itt-" I flustered, waving my hand towards him.
He only chuckled and undressed himself.

He leaned over me, my body submissive to him.
Tom soon nibbled my neck, going softer than I intended him to.
He was gentle as he lifting my legs to line his dick with my hole.

I inhaled deeply as Tom's dick penetrated my ass.
He stopped, carefully kissing my whole face before he assume I was okay.

He began to gently thrust, making me yelp.
He continued at a slow pace, allowing me to adjust.

As I got closer to adjusting, I heard the door click and slam open.

I shrieked, grabbing a nearby blanket and covering me and the eyeless male.

Tord stood in the doorframe, his tired eyes glancing.

A smirk was soon plastered onto his lips.

470 words.

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