Bonus Chapter: EddTom

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I haven't wrote this shit for a long time- I've improved btw.

- Edd's POV -

I walked the small hall to his cell.
My keys unlocked the door to it.

I swung the creaky door open and managed to wake the ragged man up.
Strangely, the doctors, nor scientists could explain the voids for eyes.

I didn't mind, it made him have more character.

"Hop out for a moment to get some cleanin'."

He stepped out and had full access to leave, but I knew he would stay.

I fixed up his bed and the items that were scattered across the floor.

This man wasn't insane, he was just an immature kid who didn't know better.

"Thanks, sir."
He nodded and stood back in.

I glanced up and fell head over heels.

He looked rough, but in a good way.
The boy looked buff and could probably beat someone's ass.

Maybe pound an ass as well..

I cleared my throat as I began to close the cell door.

The door was forced back open and the man smirked.
I gave a whimper, but continued to stand my ground.

"Close the god damn door!"
I grabbed the bars and tugged on them.

He stepped out and grabbed the collar of my uniform.

"Why'd they put such a weakling here?"
He caressed my cheek while my face was flushed.

"I'm strong! Mentally!"
"Oh yeah?"

I slammed my knee into his crotch, watching him fall on his knees in pain.

"Shit! I'm sorry!"
I apologized quickly.

He stood back up, his eyes full of rage as he cracked his knuckles.

I covered my face, yet was met with my arms pulled back and pinned against a wall.

Edit- won't finish this. :(

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