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Um- I have no ideas for this lmao.
Okay let's just start. I assume Tom's dom. (Haha rhymes.) I'm changing it up, yeet.

< Tom's POV >
It was just a "normal" day.
I got, obviously, SLIGHTLY drunk-
I think?
Matt was looking more-
Handsome than I thought he actually was.
Turns out Matt had a relationship with some-
Of course, jealously took it's course.
"Matt?" I glanced around.
"Oh yeah? I'm in the kitchen, baking cookies!" Matt responded.
Wow, he's so silly.
"Ah, okay." I turned back.
I stood and abeled my way into the kitchen.
"Yes?" He seemed quite eager to talk to me.
"I didn't finish my sen-"
"I know what you're going to say!"
"I'm SUPER handsome!"
I looked at him with a frown.
"No I was going to say-"
"Shhhhh!" Edd hushed me and gave a snicker. "Just let him think that."
"Uhh- Can I talk to you in.. private?"
"Oh sure! Take a cookie though!"
I snatched a cookie and went off to the side with Matt.
"What I was trying to say is that I love you and I want to-"
I cut off myself, seeming to go way too far with this.
"You love me?!"
It seems like he lied about having a relationship.
"Wait what were you going to sa-"
I cut the taller male's sentence off with a rather deep kiss, I then slithered a hand down the man's pants.
"Ah! Wai-Wait!"
"Matt, you know me and you wanted this for a long time."
I was right, Matt gives me lustful stares once in a while.
"I- You're right.." Matt finally submitted to me, fantastic.
I gave a smirk, sliding off his pants and such.
His erect member practically sprung up as I quickly gripped it with my hands and gave a teasing lick to the top.
"T-Tom-.." Matt moaned my name, how cute.
I stood and pressed him against a nearby wall, grinding against his cock with mine.
He gave some moans, not exactly what I wanted to achieve.
I slid my pants and undergarments off my body, revealing a erected dick.
Matt gave a small gasp as I struck a finger into the tall man.
"Just to prep.~"
He whined as a took it out, but immediately gasped and moaned as I stuck the man's hole with my cock.
Ohh the moans are turning me on so much!~
I giggled through grunts as I slowly push in.
Matt was a moaning and blushing mess, so cute..
After a while, it seemed to calm down, although I was very close to releasing.
"M-Matt- I'm about t-to- ahh!~"
I pushed further, releasing my seed into the ginger.
"O-OH FUCKK-" Matt soon came after, I made sure I licked him clean of the salty, sticky substance.

The End

Okay so yes.

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