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Matt is dom :)
so- im tryin' to do one each day so i can finish it-
i have like 18 more left (counting character x reader)
ok so i have no ideas yeet-

- Matt's POV -

So- I know it's weird to like a boy?
When you are a boy at least-
I heard the word 'gay' a lot in the household.
I really need to ask Tom about it..

I gently knocked on the door covered in Tom's stickers or whatever?

He answered after a few shuffles.

"What you want?"
"I need to ask you something.."
"Okay okay, come in."

You'll hear that again..

I sat on his checkered bed.
"So what do you need?"

"What does the term 'gay' mean?"
I questioned, totally curious of his response.

"UM- It's when a boy likes another boy- Or like a both boy couple."

"So like.. If I liked you, I would be gay?"
"Yeah. But you don't.. Do you?"
"Uh.. I got to go."
He stopped me, shoving me onto his bed.
Tom towered over me with dominance that will surely be broken in a few seconds.
He began to unbuckle his pants.
"Woah, no you don't. If we're doing this, I'm dom."
I snapped, swiftly standing and shoving him on the bed.

Like he did me, but way more rough.
He seemed to like it though;
His cheeks were bright and he was rather hard.. Considering his dick was practically out of his pants.
"Hmm. Not so dom now."
He gave a yelp and ripped his pants and shirt off.
"I was teasing! I don't want to do this!"
"You acting like this because you're not dom."
He hissed at me as I began to play with his nipples.
"F-Fuck you!"
"Quiet down, Edd will hear me and will kick my ass.."
I smacked his ass roughly, smirking.

I entered him quickly;
His loud moaning made me speed up the proccess of cumming.

But I didn't want to cum yet.

I pushing further into him, causing him to whimper loudly.
"T-Tom, sh-shut up!"
I growled.
"Edd is going to hear us!"
Tom came with a loud groan, causing me to cum deeply inside of him.
"Y-YeS! Come in!"
Tom shrieked.

I told you.
You'll hear it more..

I pulled out and Edd slammed open the door.

"What. The. FUCK?!"
Edd shouted, shoving me away and picking Tom up.

He was smiling, drool covering his face.

- 420 words -

I have more kinks next time.

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