Chapter one: strange powers

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Notice: in this AU Marinette is not Ladybug. Chat Noir is Adrien still however, when the asteroid strikes he looses his powers of destruction.

BOOM! Marinette was awoken from her sleep at 2:00 in the morning. She rubbed her tired eyes and turned on a light. To be honest she felt slightly scared. That noise that had woke her up? Well it sounded big and well.. Something might have happened.

She first looked out her window to make sure it wasn't a car crash near the bakery. She smelled something gross, like burning rubber.

Defiantly a car crash. She pulled out her phone and ran onto her put door balcony. She dialed 911 but waited to press call as she looked around. The smell was much stronger out her then in her room. But now she wasn't sure if a car crash was the right explanation.

She went out of the dial and to her contacts. She pressed on her best friend, Alya's name, and went to text her. But as if on cue her friend sent her a text.

Alya: hey gurl you up?

Marinette: yeah.

Alya: did you here that big noise?

Marinette: yeah

Alya: do you smell faint burning rubber?

Marinette: yeah

Alya: do you see smoke?

Marinette: no... Where?

Alya: just out of Paris it looks like

Marinette: that doesn't really look like smoke.

Alya: well it dies to me.

Marinette: it's red Alya. Smoke is grey or black ya know?

Marinette waited for s reply but there was none. She waited a minute, then another minute, then five minutes, but Alya still hadn't responded. Or read it for a matter of fact.

Marinette just assumed that Alya had fallen asleep, so she best not bother her. She put her phone in her pocket and glanced up and the red smoke on the horizon.

Suddenly a red and black streak flew at her and struck her in the chest, knocking her over. She slipped over the railing and fell.

Marinette let out a terrifying scream as she would probably die from the fall. But something caught her, which surprised her. She looked up and saw Chat Noir's concerned face looking back at her. She felt safe in his warm strong arms, and wanted him to never let go, but sadly he did.

She felt her feet touch the pavement as Chat Noir set her down. He looked scared, concerned, and... He was blushing?

"W-what are you doing here?" She stammered.

"What happened!?" Chat said at the exact same time. The froze realizing that neither of them could ask the question because they had said it at the exact same time.

"I mean I-" they said in sink. Now Marinette was blushing. She looked away for a reason she didn't know. "I'm sorry, you go first." They said in unison once more. "I mean-" they looked back at each other, still talking at the same time. "I just er..." They burst out laughing. Finally Marinette spoke without Chat doing the same.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" She said, managing to stop laughing.

"Well what happened was what I was wondering?" He replied.

"I..." She pondered telling him that a streak of light from grey smoke has knocked her down or lie about it. "I was sleep walking."

"Well uh.. Be careful I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"W-what were you doing here?"

"I uh.... I wanted to see you. I guess we were lucky I came right?" He chuckled.

"Yeah... Wait you wanted to see me?" She looked at him but his eyes were looking at his shoes.

"Well... Yeah... Your my friend right? I don't know, I was just gonna see if you were up or not." He admitted.

"Oh I see."

"You were sleeping though.. Right? If you were sleep walking? You should probably go back to bed." He said to her softly.

"Yeah." She looked up at her balcony which seemed so high up, but in reality was not.

"I'll take you there.. If you want." He said and offered his hand.

"What?! I mean.. Sure." She placed her soft small hand in his leather gloved one. He pulled her close, scooping her in his arms, and used his baton to fly up onto her balcony. He then carried her to her bed.

Chat set her down on her comfy soft bed, but she didn't want him to let go. But he tucked her in, also not wanting to leave. But in a blink of an eye, Chat was gone like a shadow in the night. He left her window sill open, reminding Marinette of her loneliness.

Chat Noir climbed to the top of the Dupan Chang bakery and jumped off towards another structure, aka the school. But mid leap he was shit down by a bright green and black beam seeming to have come from no where.

He fell unconscious from the sky and landed in the middle of the road with a thud. Whatever hit him, made his transformation instantly disappear. Now he was Adrien, laying passes out in the middle of the street, almost getting run over by a car that had to swerve to the side to save his life.

Little did Marinette and Adrien know, was that these beams of light had just given them special powers. The powers of the gods.

Well hello there. I'm just creating this chapter to see if y'all like it. Also I need help deciding which person gets which gods power. Here are some ideas:
Marinette: Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Zeus, or Athena.
Adrien: Ares, Zeus, Apollo, or Aphrodite.
Alya: Hermès, Apollo, Iris, or Athena.
Nino: Hephaestus, Poseidon, Dionysus, or Hermès.
Chloe: Aphrodite, Ares, Hera, or Persephone.
Gabriel Agreste: Ares, Hades, Zeus, or Janus.
Obviously other people will have the powers too but those guys are just tops for now. Vote in the comments! Also no two can have the same god.

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