Chapter Five: the Murder at camp

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After the police had arrived everything went into chaos. Marinette lost track of Violet and later discovered that this mysterious girl was taken to the hospital. The class was canceled so Marinette called her dad to take her home. Her phone went from 20% to 100% at her touch. Pretty handy.

The police had pulled her aside and some doctors of the ambulances checked her to make sure she wasn't hurt. Marinette kept asking about Violet, but they said that they hadn't taken any one yet.

Violet must have run off.

The teacher informed every one that the camp would be cancelled and they could all have their money back. Which was strange in Marinette's opinion because only such a little thing happened and no one was hurt.

"Miss?" Marinette topped the teacher's shoulder.


"Why cancel the entire camp?" She pondered.

"A girl was killed just outside." The woman's eyes watered up. " from a shadow. We don't know what it was."

Marinette had a strange feeling it was a result of Violets magic. And this made her heart sink. "I see, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault." She said and Marinette slightly nodded.

Her fathers vehicle pulled into the parking lot and Marinette ran to him. She quickly and silently got inside.

"What happened?!" Tom demanded to know.

"A.. a girl was... um... murdered outside." Marinette whispered.

"Oh.." Tom un furrowed his eye brows.

"Just driver." She said quietly.

-mean while in the Agreste mansion-

Adrien cursed up alone on his couch, locked up in his bedroom. He turned the TV on and started watching a show about vampires. He was hardly even watching. He could hardly hear it over the boards of people trying to break into the mansion. This past week was so weird. He was used to usual fans and stuff, but not people literally trying to stalk him by the dozen, and sleep with him!

(Yes, he once woke up to find an old man with him in bed. He had crawled in through a window.)

Also he seemed to be glowing and stuff, and his French accent became significantly heavier. It was odd, he had mimicked his mother's American accent as a child and now suddenly he mimicked his father.

The vampire show started getting annoying so he changed the channel. Sponge bob. He did not want to watch sponge bob. He changed it again. It was a National Geographic, so he changed it again. The fricken news. He was about to change it again when he saw what was happening.

Some one was murdered! A usual late evening news drama thing but, it was in Paris! And it was very close to his house! In the design studio near him!

He continued to watch as the news lady drones on and on about what happened.

"Elizabeth Ann was 12 years old when the man named, Michal Barnes choked her to death. The 23 year old man was caught and police officer Asia Clint claimed Barnes was drunk.  Barnes is now being taken to prison..." Adrien noticed something behind the news lady.

Marinette?! His class mate was talking to an officer! And she looked scared. He instantly had a protective urge take over him. So he ran over to his bed and pulled the Chat Noir suite out from under it.


Chat Noir leapt from building to building as he ventured over the scene of the crime which had already died down. It seemed it was just police searching the area, and girls and boys leaving in cars, most likely to go home.

He looked around and concluded she was no longer here. So he began to head to her house. In just 5 minutes time, her balcony came into view. He leapt over to her house roof and peered through the window. She wasn't in her room. So he jumped to the cement sidewalk below. He peaked into the bakery window. She was with her parents doing some dishes.

He felt his heart lighten as he knew she was safe. But he didn't want to leave just yet. He used his baton to get to a rooftop near by.

"Annabeth! Annabeth! Annabeth! Annabeth! Annabe-"

"What the Hades do you want Percy?!"

"I saw a ninja!"

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did!"

"Percy, please. We have a mission."


"Come on!"

"It's right there!"

"Let's go Percy!"

"He's looking at me!"

"Your being a baby!"

"Am not!"



Adrien blinked twice. Was that... the kid from school? The new kids? Adrien ducked from their view.

"Aw he's gone now."

"Grover not you too!" Came Annabeth voice. They were speaking in English for some reason.


"So wear is the sent leading you too?" Annabeth asked.

"The bakery." Grover replied.

"Ugh! Are you serious? You lead us all this way just for food?!"

"No! This is just one of the places the smell canes from."

"No, the asteroid only landed in one spot. Not several!"

"Annabeth calm down." Percy said to his girlfriend.

"Never! I'm cranky, I'm angry, I'm hungry, I'm cold, and I didn't sleep last night because Percy kept playing in the sink!" Annabeth silently shrieked.

"Well we just have to check out the bakery, and maybe grab some food?" Grover suggested.

"Fine! Let's go!" Annabeth said and stormed off towards the bakery.

"I don't like cranky Annabeth." Percy muttered to Grover.

"Agreed." Grover replied.

The trio hurried into the bakery just as they were about to close.

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