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Jahseh had me back in the gym. The twins already 4 months and I'm back feeling like myself. He was currently serenading me with Kevin Gates 'Find You Again'. Not gon' fake it, this song hit so different for us.

I'm so thankful for my two new blessings. Pretty soon, my oldest will be potty trained and talking full sentences. I can't fathom the thought of not having them by my side all day everyday.

"Okay baby, you can stop." He said, clicking his little pocket timer. I kept running for about ten more seconds before getting off of the treadmill.

"Here," he gave me his water bottle yo drink from and peaked his head out the door. "Sora, yo fat ass foot steps gon wake these kids up. Heavy breath ass." He proceeds to take him outside.

I wiped my sweat with a towel and check on the kids. Yume was the only one up, but he was the quietest, like he was just thinking and deciphering his baby thoughts.

"Hi baby. You been up a long time? Have you?" I smiled and put my forehead on his.

"Hi twin!" Jah stingy ass swiped him from my arms and took him to the bathroom with us.

"You look just like daddy, don't you?" He left kisses everywhere on his face until he smiled. "MwuAh. Dada luh you so much."

"You hungry, J?" I ran them some bath water.

"No, I'm okay." He leans over to kiss me. My stomach flipped so hard. We barely have time for our own affection since so much goes into raising children by ourselves. People come by a lot but they don't help out like you'd think.

I pick out clothes for them to wear and take the baby monitor into the bathroom for Jah. I started cleaning our room while they played and took a bath.

"Mama?" Not even twenty minutes passed and Zahir was awake.

"Hi big boy. You sleep good with your sister?" I asked him.  He nodded.

"Bubba?" He started looking around.

"In the tub with dada. Hungry, Zahir?"

"Yes." He started smiling so I picked him up and took him into the kitchen.

I cut up some pineapple and watermelon for him. I put on some cartoons and started cleaning around the kitchen and doing the last of the dishes.

"AZZY!" I hear Jahseh call from upstairs.


"WHAT YOU DOIN?" If this nigga don't come downstairs.

"FEEDING ZAHIR!" It was quiet for a bit so I assume he didn't need anything. Ten minutes later he came down the both of the twins.

"Did you pump last night?" He asked. I nod and take out two bottles from the fridge.

"Let these sit for two minutes so they aren't too cold." I pick up Azahir out of his high chair so he can play where he wants.

"Ok, uh bae?"


"Can we go out tonight? Like out out? And maybe stay the night at a hotel."

"You got some babysitters?" I asked. He nodded.

"Corey been wanting to and his sister prolly gon come too. Think that's enough? Or add Leo?"

"Leo to be safe. He'll been in the game room anyway."

"Good! So we goin?" His face lit up. I laughed and nod to him. His phone started ringing but he just looked and let it ring.

"Who's that?"

"Random number, probably automated. I'll be in the kids' room if you need me, though." He stuck his phone on the charger and left with the twins and their bottles.

I shrug and go find Azahir with the dogs.

"Hi Zahir, baby." I pick him up and kiss his cheek.

He shook his head. "Jah-mirror." He pointed to himself.

"You want to be called Jahmeir?" He nods.

"Why?" I put him back down.

"Dada." He giggled. It hurt a little that he didn't want the name that sounded like mine. He always responded better to his middle name as a baby so it wasn't surprising but I could blame myself for always calling him that before we came to live with Jahseh.

"Ok, Jahmeir. You want to do school?" I asked. He thought for a second and nodded his head before running to his room.

Recently I've tricked him into 'playing school' so he can learn ahead. As Jah likes to say 'we have to ensure his spot as the smartest jit in baby school' because dumb niggas aren't allowed.

I sat with him and we went over numbers and the alphabet. Although he's been talking more, he hasn't been able to very well articulate what he wants to say so we talked to each other a lot and I forced him to use full sentences. He's really a bright kid to grasp it so quickly.

After he got bored and started coloring, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answer.

"It's aunTIE BILLIE!" I could hear her enthusiasm.

"Hey Bil! What's up with you?"

"Nothing new. Fucking Ellen done exposed the fuck out of me but I love her too much to be mad about it. You hear about it?"

"No, what'd she expose?"

"My ugly ass tick syndrome. Now I'm trending for fucking tourettes." She laughs.

"Damn, Bil. That's tough. Let me know whenever you wanna talk though. It's been too long." I tell her, keeping Jahmeir from eating a crayon.

"Yeah, I gotchu. You need a babysitter, yo? This bored shit feels different."

"Yo, tonight. You can make it? Girl you even in Florida?"

"Mhm. I got here last week for, uh, I think album promotion. I can't remember. What time y'all need me?"

"Seven, if we need backup. I'll let Jah know when he's back and have him call you."

"Okay girl. I love you. Tell X I said thanks and I love him too."

"Gotchu, babe." We hang up.

"Jahmeir, put the crayon on the paper." I point, my voice a bit more stern than usual. He smiles and started to color again.

My sweet first boy...

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