2 : Whether You Like It Or Not

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It has been a hectic day for her.

Green codes and datas floated around her form, several computer screen surrounds her and multiple keyboard and mouses cluttered on the top of her desk. Several stack of folders and papers were scattered behind her, but if she noticed how messy her 'room' was, she paid it no mind. Instead, she was more focused on a large monitor in front of her, showing multiple scenes from different locations.

"My neck hurts. " she whined, snapping her head on one side as her hands rapidly typed on her hot pink keyboard. "And gosh, I'm so bored. "

After making sure that her Master's
commands were all finished, Junko the 2nd, the Alter Ego, sighed to herself. After a whole day of running around data softwares, playing some Despair video clips on the monokuma monitors, keeping an eye out for any survivors outside and keeping the livestream of her Master's killing game going, it was time for her to rest.

"I have a feeling that I actually forgot
something, " she muttered, placing her hand on her chin as she tried to gather her thoughts. But when a yawn broke through her, she shrugged, pushing away the keyboard away from her. "But now that I actually think about it, nevermind. "

She collapsed on her chair, fiddling with her phone when a reminder from her plans popped out in the middle of the screen, showing the final task she have to do in order to rest.

'Call Master's followers'



Ah, so that's the thing she forgot. Geez, she actually has to spend her free time calling those weirdos?

An irritated sigh escaped her lips as she pulled herself up again to face her computer, typing away a series of commands on her keyboard before her camera connected with another one.

Thankfully, her Master already 'taught'
her how to show emotions, feelings and whatsoever, so she didn't really have to copy her Master's every action.But while she's thankful for that new feature, does it really have to include boredom?

"Is it ready? I want to see my Beloved already! "

"Shut the fuck up or I'll personally drag you out of this room . "

"Mou, stop complaining slut. Be thankful that we allowed you to see Junko-sama again after what happened last time. "

"I-I'm sorry! It's not my fault that seeing my Beloved again makes me feel sooooo hot! Aaah...just remembering it is making me sweaty..."

"Mikan! Compose yourself this time, at least. You are embarrassing the whole Despairs because of your unsightly actions! "

"I can't believe that I have to stick with such immature brats like you. After preparing many good news as an offering to our Goddess..."

Her lips twitched upward for a mad grin, seeing the small chaos that suddenly erupted between her Master's dogs. At least, now she know the reason why her Master refused to talk to them. After watching them squabble for a little while, she cleared her throat and watch them look at her with surprise on their faces.

"What's the good news you wanted to share, my beloved Despairs? " she crooned over the screen, placing a hand on her cheek as she watched their reactions. "Oh, and did 'ya miss me? "

While they struggled to answer her, she inwardly noted that everyone is present saved for Izuru Kamukura, the former Ultimate Hope. Well, from what she heard between his and her Master's conversation, he was currently on his way to meet up with someone, though they never really mentioned who it was, but if he has to come personally in order to meet that person, then it's someone important.

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