3 : To The Lair Of The Enemies

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"He...managed to escape...his execution..." Junko slammed her hands on her desk, angrily shoving away everything as she breathed heavily.
"That execution took too much time for the preparation and he just escaped it easily?! It was...it was..." a gasp escaped her lips as she trembled, drool trailing down her chin. "The despair of my plan failing is so good! "

"Hah, Makoto Naegi. You will never die in this place, it seems. " she mumbled, seeing Kyoko Kirigiri jumped down the tunnel leading to the trash chute. "Your incredible luck is making sure that you'll never suffer, even protecting you from the clutch of my despair. "

It was actually despairingly satisfying  to cultivate someone so talentless (with only a stroke of luck as his arsenal) and turn him into someone worthy enough to bring her down.

And yes, before Makoto Naegi was registered by everyone as the Ultimate Hope, Junko Enoshima had seen and predicted that already. He succeeded in every trials despite all the obstacles she created, and she knew that he was just one step closer towards the end of their game.

She can easily send a monokuma to make sure that both of them would never make it (if ever both of them survived their fall) but she can almost taste the most purest kind of despair waiting for her on their final showdown.

"I can't wait to meet him at the end. " she giggled like a child, seeing him climb out of the trash chute with the Ultimate Detective. "I wonder how you'll make things interesting for me. "

But, something was nagging her.

Once he succeeded on beating her, he would, no doubt, step out to the outside world and seek help from the Future Foundation. And knowing that a deranged spy of hers was currently hiding as one of their members, his life would be in danger. No, no, no, no! Makoto Naegi is her CReAtIon. She won't allow anyone besides her to hurt him!

She typed some random codes on her keyboard, impatiently waiting for the appearance of her Alter Ego, whom never failed her even once (unlike those guys whom called themselves Ultimate Despairs—how bold of them to assume that 'coz she's the only Ultimate Depair—) and she knew would perfectly succeed on completing the plan on her mind.

"Hi, Alter Me! " she cackled loudly when her Alter Ego appeared on the screen, looking very much like her but much more...serious. "I find it despairingly good to see you still trapped on the walls of my system! "

"Hello to you, Master. " the AI answered in a complete robotic voice. "It is rather depressing to be trapped here for so long indeed. "

"Oh no, don't worry. You're not going to stay in this system for too long anyway. " she chuckled. "I'm just preparing you for all the orders I created that would keep you busy even though I'm not around to command anything anymore. " the AI was silent, before it craned its neck on one side, as if confused. "What do you mean, Master? "

"Oh, its just...my end is near. " she sighed happily, her eyes showing spirals covering her pupil entirely. "I'm going to devour the Despair of Death, and I'm going to entrust some of my commands to you that you have to finish before or even after my death. "

"What are your orders, Master? "

A bloody grin appeared on her face. "Upupupupu, I order you to implant a hidden trap in one of the student's room. And make sure that the moment Makoto Naegi went inside that room..." she smirked. "He would watch my Despair Video. Then he would fall into the depths of Despair. Imagine the reactions of those Future Foundation scums if they failed to protect the second Ultimate Hope from Despair."

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