5 : New Faces

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Quick Note:

So I made a little mistake of underestimating the powers of flashback. I kinda messed up, like that last chapter with Hinata's flashback, so I'm going to make those flashbacks shorter. Don't worry, some of them can still be found at the beginning of every chapters.


"Did you saw that smug asshole's face when they fall on our traps? "

"With the Crimson Blade's defeat, I demand celebration! "

Loud cheers echoed from their camp. From her place hidden at the top of a large tree, she surveyed her so-called home, a large camp with raised tents and bonfires that if she wasn't even a part of this mercenary group, she would just perceive them as a group of campers, not the feared group of military misfits.

She almost regretted her decision to join them, but if this was the only way to avoid that... (the bloodied smile, her parent's blank stares and her sister's crazed laughter). She gripped her hold on her rifle, focusing her sudden anxiety on her breathing.





"Mukuro! " she glanced up from her spot when she heard her name being called. "You did a great job kid! We totally trashed those rouge mercenaries! " the hidden treehouse she was using as her hideout seemingly trembled when the large form of their leader climbed through the thick vines acting as the stairs.

"Alpha, " thankfully, she already fixed her composure before he could even poke his head inside her small tree house. "I didn't do anything extraordinary. I am merely doing what you asked me to do. " the large man grinned, before reaching out to mess with her hair. "Don't be so formal kid. We aren't on a mission. " he sat on the floors and glanced around her little hideout. "You have a comfy spot here! Wish I thought about something like this first! "

She sighed and turned her back against him. She continued wiping the stains from her rifle, checking every
parts, even the bolts for any damages when she heard a loud whistle erupted from behind her.

"Ooh! This woman's a hottie! " she quickly turned towards the man as he shook a picture of a redhead in the air. "Do you know her or something? She's gorgeous!" she felt herself shuddering with anger as he gazed lecherously at the picture, but she held herself back.
Instead, she yanked the photo out of his hand and glared at him.

"She's my sister, Alpha. Don't touch anything anymore. Please respect my privacy. " he raised both arms in a surrendering manner. "Chill, chill! I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that she's your sister. " he chuckled. Seeing that her glare isn't still gone, he stood from his spot and made his way towards the entrance of her hideout with a gloomy aura.

"Please, mind your step on your way down. " she reminded him politely. He glanced at her, as if still guilty for running his mouth all over the place, but he stepped out of the tree house, carefully climbing down the vines.

Sensing that he was out of range, she gritted her teeth and took out the Swiss knife she unconsciously pulled from her pocket. Just a few more words aimed to her sister, and she would have killed him on the spot. No one is allowed to badmouth her sister in her presence. No one, not even her.

She clutched the picture on her hand carefully, trying to imagine that the girl on the photo is real, still smiling so softly and waiting patiently, just hoping for her older sister to return.

(But in the deepest part of her broken mind, instead of a redhead, a blonde woman sat on a pile of bodies, almost like a throne, with a large twisted grin on her face.

"Well, Nee-chan? " the woman asked. "What could you sacrifice for the sake of the girl you left behind? " )


He was awakened by the feeling of someone staring at him. He sat up from the cold comfort of the bed, the handcuff on his wrist rattling softly against the metal railings as he stared back at the woman standing at the edge of his room.

"Uhm..." he started, slightly creeped out by her intense stare. "You are...a member of the Ultimate Despair, right? " inwardly, he winced at his own question. The answer is so obvious anyway, but this is the only way to cut the tension between the two of them. Afterall, its better to adapt during this situation until Kyoko and the others find their headquarters.

The woman still stared blankly at him, her empty red orbs pinned at him until he was fidgeting on the bed, trying his best not to look away from her. Just as the tension became unbearable, she giggled softly.

"Kazuryuu-sama's right, you really are stupid, huh? " she bluntly said. He sweat-dropped, tempted to react on her insult but he was already used to that word anyway thanks to Byakuya.

Huh, he must be missing everyone too much to even think about the former heir. Either that, or he was only trying to comfort himself despite his situation.

"Oh? And you act too calm despite knowing that you're in a small room with a member of Remnants of Despair that could easily kill you. " that caught him a little off-guard. Remnants of Despair? When did the name of their group changed? As if she can read his mind, her crimson eyes slowly lost its concentration, her small form trembling and before he knew it, she was already taking a step towards his bed with a large syringe on her hand.

He can't even decide what is scarier. The glowing liquid in her syringe, or the swirls on her eyes completed with the drool running down her chin. If he could only bolt outside away from her, he would do so, but he could only tugged at his handcuff, paling with every step she took.

"n-no, " he whispered, trying to use his blanket as a protection from that long needle. "please stop it... "

"I made this specially for you, Naegi-kun. " she gasped while tears started to run down her cheeks. "The only act of vengeance I could do for my Beloved's death. "

"STOP IT! " he shouted, finally finding his voice as he tugged at his handcuff. "S-stop it! Nooooooooooo!"

"Hehehehe, don't struggle so much, Naegi-kun. " she grinned sharply. "You're just going to take a long, long nap. "


Uhhh, sorry about this super short chapter. I have many things to finish right now, so I'll just post this in order to act as a...chapter. Lel.

And that woman isn't whom you expect her to be just because she has a syringe.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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