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In the small town of Hawkins Indiana there really wasn't much to do, it was the type of town that people would go to to find someone, settle down, get a "cubicle job", have a bunch of kids, retire, and die. So pretty much the American dream.

Eventually Charlie got used this idea and didn't really have any problems with that concept, white picket fences and all . No, what really bothered her was the fact that it didn't bother her at all. She knew that in the future, no matter how hard she fought it, she would become one of Hawkins many "perfect families" so what was the point of fighting in the first place?

Nobody really left Hawkins no matter how hard they tried, plus Charlie couldn't just leave her dad behind not after all he's done for her and how much they've been through together.

It wasn't always just her and her dad though, from what she can remember there was a third member of the family once in her life, her mom.
In fact up until the age of four her family could be considered one of Hawkins "perfect families" as she likes to call them, everyone was happy and caring, they were even expecting a new addition to the family. Charlie was going to be a big sister, and then the miscarriage happened.

At the very base of the situation a miscarriage is something that can bring a lot of stress and sorrow upon a family, what didn't make matters any better was that after the miscarriage Charlie's mom would constantly insist that the baby was still alive.

It was into the deepest hours of the night that while crying her self to sleep Charlie would hear her mom yelling at her dad about her almost baby sister being "kidnapped by some secret organization" to which her dad would reply yelling even louder that she was "delusional and forgetting that they already have a beautiful little girl that still needs her mom".

For years Charlie could tell that her parents relationship was on rough waters and that her moms  persistence with her deep investigation into said "secret organization" still wasn't helping. Though the tension was present, it wasn't until Charlie's mom had decided to break into the Hawkins Lab (a.k.a the home base of "the secret organization") and shoot one of the workers did Charlie's dad finally have enough.

Before her mom could even make it home Charlie was packed up into her dads truck along with all of her dads and her belongings, the truck was started and as they sped off she looked out the window of that old beat up truck and watched as her home and all of the memories made there faded away into the distance.

She thought about how she didn't even get to say goodbye to her mom, though she knew deep down inside that the mom she had known and loved had said goodbye to her a long time ago.

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