Search Party For Will

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The finale bell rings, and it doesn't take long before the hallways are full of eager students wanting to get home as soon as possible, me being one of them. Closing my locker door, I see my smiley faced red headed friend,
"Hey Jess."
"Hey, you ready to head to the arcade?"
"Jess I can't go, I already told you I have to take the boys home today."
"Well what about after? I'll pay, I bet I could beat you at-"
"Jess wait one second"
"But I was just going to say-"
"No seriously Jess be quiet for a second."
I overhear a conversation going on behind me, it's about Will.
"Yeah, my little brothers got third period with the Byers kid, said he didn't show up to school today. There's supposed to be a search party for him tonight or something." It's Patty Driscoll, usually I would roll my eyes at her need to share other people's information, but today I'm actually grateful for it.

Jess realizes why I had cut him short, "She's talking about Will, why is she talking about Will?" Jess questions with his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"He wasn't at his house this morning and he wasn't at Mikes either. I tried to call Joyce to let her know but she didn't answer so I just assumed that she had found him. I should have tried to call again." I begin to blame myself for not checking up on and seeing if Joyce had found Will. "Jonathan wasn't at school today either. Hey, hey Charlie look at me it's not your fault. You were at school all day you couldn't have known that they hadn't found Will yet, hell look at what kind of friend I am I didn't even know Will was missing in the first place." Jess begins to console me. "Thanks Jess, I just feel bad. I should have known that something was up when I didn't see Will at Mikes house."
"I know. But hey, tonight we can help with the search party and we can take the boys with us. I can even try to convince Robin to come."
"Okay. Do you want a ride home?"
"Yeah sure, do you mind dropping me off at Jonathan's house instead? I wanna make sure he's doing alright."
"That's fine. I don't know if the boys know about Will yet though so when we get in the car just let me talk to them ok?

We then make our way down the school hallway and I can't help but think that somehow Will going missing is my fault. My thoughts are cut short when I see the three boys waiting for me at my car. "Jeez Charlie what took you so long?" "Hi to you too Lucas." I say as I unlock the car. "Hi Charlie and hi Jess"

Jess then says hi to everyone though slightly confused at Lucas's change of tone while saying his name. "Now is not the time guys, I need to talk to you guys about something important." I inform the boys as we all get in the car.
"It's about Will isn't it?" Mike automatically asks with a solemn tone. "How did you know-"

"Chief Hopper came by and asked us if we knew where Will was. Why didn't you tell us that he was missing?" Dustin asks with a bit of hurt in his voice. "I didn't know he was missing until a couple of minutes ago. If I did, I would have told you guys, I swear. What I wanted to talk to you guys about though is Jess and I are going to be part of the search party tonight and I was wondering if you would like us to take you guys with us."
Dustin's face then softens, and Lucas speaks up, "Sorry Charlie we didn't mean to make you feel bad, Dustin's just a little irritated because Hopper said that we aren't allowed to go out tonight until Will's found." I listen to Lucas as I start the car and pull out of my parking spot, "It's ok, were all a little worried right now. Hoppers probably right anyways, it's not safe for you guys to be out there with us."

This grabs Mike's attention as he looks away from the window and raises his hands up in annoyance, "But you just said that you would take us out to look for him!" I knew that he would react this way the second I agreed with Hopper, "I know what I said but Hopper's right, we can't have you guys out there when we don't even know where Will is or what happened to him." Mike then rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms and looks back out the window, not saying another word. "Listen, Mike. After the search party is over tonight, I'll stop by your house and tell you what happens. Ok?" Mike mumbles an ok in response. "Ok. You guys don't need to worry we'll find him. Won't we Jess?" I turn to Jess looking for some assurance though he's not looking my way and rather out the passenger side window, nether less he replies with a quick, "Yeah absolutely, we'll find him." Yeah, we'll find him.

We arrive at Mikes house and before he goes to get out of the car, I call out to him one last time, "Hey Mike. When I'm done tonight, I'll come straight over here. I promise. I just need you to promise that you'll stay home and won't go out looking for Will, alright?

"Ok" Mike goes to leave the car again but before he can I lock the door. "Mike, I need you to promise me that you won't go out tonight." Mike turns back to me slowly and then says just as slowly, "Charlie, I promise that I won't go out alone looking for Will tonight. Can you let me out now?" Satisfied with the promise I unlock the car door,
"Bye Mike."
"Bye Charlie, bye Jess." Mike then quickly closes the door and runs across his front yard before I can say anything else. I watch as Mike enters his house and finally let out a sigh. Jess then breaks the silence,
"So... do you really think that were going to find Will tonight?"
"I hope so. If we don't, I don't know what I'm gonna tell the boys or what I'm going to do for that matter."

I begin to toy with my necklace again as I think about the possibility of us not finding Will tonight. What could have happened to him? Where was he? Was there something I could have done? Maybe if I didn't go to the movies, I could have been there to give Will a ride home instead of him having to bike home? Jess notices me playing with my necklace and he gently reaches up to take my hand off my necklace,
"Charlie, it's ok. Will's a tough kid, he's going to be ok."
"But what if he isn't?"
"You just have to trust me on this Charlie, he's going to be ok."
I take in a deep breath and let out a sigh, "Fine." I finally say as I drive off heading towards the Byers house.

"So how do you think you did on Mr. Tucker's test." Jess asks trying to lighten the mood.
"Oh, I have no idea. I mean I studied my brain out for God knows how long. But I swear his tests are impossible."
"I know right! I was working on one of the problems about how to find 'R' or something like that and I got four. So I look over at Chris's paper, you know just to make sure I was right, and he got a freaking decimal!
"At least you tried, I left half of the problems blank. I planned on going back and trying them again but by the time I went to go back the bell rang."
"I hate when that happens. What about Ms. Bennet's essay, how do you think you did on that?"
" I don't know, I'd say I did pretty good on it. Ms. Bennet seemed impressed."
"Of course, she would be impressed. I mean come on Charlie, do you realize half of the stuff you write is pure genius. You're the only person I know that actually has an "A" in that class."
" Come on Jess, your being dramatic. There has to be someone else with an "A" in her class, she's not that strict."
"Well when you find them let me know because obviously your genius doesn't seem to be rubbing of on me."
"Will do. Ok Jess, were here."
I let Jess know that our ride has come to an end as I put the car in park in front of the Byers home.

"See yah later Charlie" Jess says goodbye as he exits the car. "See you tonight, make sure to talk to Robin about coming." I call out to him. He nods and gives me a thumbs up. I watch as he goes to knock on the front door, and it opens. Jonathan answers the door and they begin to talk to one another, Jess nods my way and Jonathan looks behind him at me and waves with a feigned smile. I wave back with a smile, even from the car I can see the tiredness on his face.

I can't imagine what kind of day he has had and what he must be thinking right now

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I can't imagine what kind of day he has had and what he must be thinking right now. I see Jess go inside and I put my car in reverse and pull out of the dirt driveway.

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