More Popcorn For Us

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"Sorry Charlie, we cant go Sunday. We're meeting up at my house for a campaign that night." Mike called to me from outside the car snapping me out of my daze. "Yeah sorry Charlie, hope you Robin and Jessie have fun though." Will says while dragging out Jessie's name with a smirk on his face. "Maybe some other day we can all go to see The Terminator" Will said changing his tone from playful to apologetic. "No it's fine guys enjoy your campaign, but it looks like a really good movie." I assure them as I start the car back up to find a parking spot. "Would the movie looking "really good" have anything to do with the fact that you think the whole cast is hot?" Lucas questions me in a teasing tone while getting out of the car,"No really the movie actually looks good, the cast being hot is just a bonus.
Besides I mean it's not like you can blame me, have you seen Matt Dillon. Dallas may not be the capital of Texas but that man is capital H-O-T."

I say to the boys out the window while dramatically fanning myself

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I say to the boys out the window while dramatically fanning myself. "But not as hot as Jessie, huh Charlie?" Mike then teases.

I stop fanning myself and turn off my car, "Guys how many times do I have to tell you this? Jess and I are just friends, nothing more nothing less." I say to the boys with a stern voice. "If you and him are "just friends" then why are you getting so defensive?" Dustin says still carrying his teasing tone as he now gets out of the car, before I can speak Will joins in "Come on Charlie, I mean you guys do hang out a lot and Jess is a really cool guy. Jonathan's never even hung out with you before and even he thinks that you and Jess would make a cute couple."

"Ok let me just start off by saying, Will tell your brother to stop butting into my love life. Second off, me and Jess do spend a lot of time together but that's because that's just what friends do and more times then not Robin is always with us. And lastly all of you better knock it off before I make you guys walk home after school." I say while trying to keep a serious look on my face.

"Ok we'll stop. Sorry Charlie." Mike says quickly, not wanting to have to walk home. Right when I think the tormenting has stopped I hear Lucas say not being able to help himself, "Did you hear that guys she said love life, so there is a chance." while wiggling his eyebrows and nudging his friends in the arms with his elbows. Seeing as though I was getting nowhere I start my car up and call out window, "Hope you guys are wearing your walking shoes, see you guys later. Enjoy your campaign." As I drive off I am amused by the look of defeat on the boys faces and watch as Mike smacks Lucas upside the back of his head for possibly costing them their ride home.

After finally finding a parking spot in this parking lot full of idiots I get out of my car to see none other than Mike's older sister Nancy sucking face with Hawkins High royalty, Steve  "the hair" Harrington. I'm surprised that they still believe that nobody knows their seeing each other, I mean here they are in broad daylight kissing each other like it was the end of the world. Now I've never kissed anyone but I'm pretty sure that eventually one of them has to come up for air.

Maybe that's what I was seeing, maybe one of them had passed out from the lack of oxygen and now the other was trying to resuscitate them with mouth to mouth. Well whatever they were doing I did not want to stick around any longer and watch this failed resuscitation attempt. Making my way to the front door of the school I see my friend Robin waiting for me.

"Hey Charlie what took you so long, did Dustin forget his hat at home again?" Robin asked while opening the front door. "No for once I wasn't late cause of Dustin. I got distracted by what I assume is the very first out break of cannibalism here in Hawkins." I tell her with my best attempt at a horror movie narrator voice. "Wha- oh you mean the next Mr. and Mrs.Harrington." Robin says with sudden realization in her voice. "The one and only." I answer as we walk past Ms.Wood's class. Before we can completely round the corner we are startled by a sudden figure jumping in front of us, stopping us dead in our tracks.

Now many people have different reactions or defense mechanisms for when they are surprised or scared , some scream, some curl up in a ball, and some just stay completely quiet. What do I do you may ask, well I do quite a few different things depending on the situation. In this situation, I swung. "Ow, what the heck Charlie." After removing my hand from the figures face I realize that it was Jess who had jumped around the corner.

"Jess! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I apologize while trying to hold in my laughter as I watch him rub his cheek as it slowly turns red. "Oh my, oh my God. That was freaking hilarious." Robin starts as she is overwhelmed with laughter. "Jesus Charlie, If you smacked me any harder you would have given me whiplash." Jess adds on still wincing from the pain in his cheek, "I said I was sorry, now you know not to go jumping around corners and scaring the shit out of people." I justified as Robin finally takes a second to let herself breathe. "Consider it known. So anyways, what were you guys talking about before I was viciously attacked by this psycho over here?" Jess teased as he draped his arm over my shoulder and we all carried on walking down the hallway. "We were just talking about Charlie's harrowing escape from the vortex known as Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheelers lips." Robin answers as she makes kissing noises into the air. " Charlie is that true? You must know to be more careful next time, we could have lost you." Jess says with fake concern and worry as he embraces me tightly and Robin quickly joins into our group hug and they both begin to fake sob. "Ok ok I'll try to" I laughed out playfully pushing them off.

"Good, so what's the verdict on the movies on Sunday? Is the "party" coming?" Robin asked as we reach my locker, "They can't come they have a campaign that they've been planning for a while that their gonna do." I replied getting my stuff out of my locker. "Oh yeah, I remember Will telling me something about that the other day. He said they've been planning it for like almost a month now." Jess adds on, looking at the photo I had in my locker of him, Robin, and I on the first day of freshman year. "Bummer, I was looking forward to finally meeting them. Oh well, more popcorn for us" Robin suggested looking at the brighter side.

"Yeah sorry about that, but nothing in the world would pull those boys away from a scheduled campaign. But at least now I can fan girl over Matt Dillon all I want without the boys making gagging noises in the background." I realize while closing my locker. "Ehh he's not really my type." Robin says as she hands me my textbook while I close my locker. "Why would you fan girl over Matt Dillon when you get all night to stare at me?" Jess jokes with a smirk on his face as he does a spin, allowing us to look at all of him. I look over to Robin with an unimpressed look, "Robin" I don't need to say much more before Robin walks over to Jess and slaps him upside the head. "Ow God. You know I'm gonna have to file a report on you two if you guys keep using me as your human punching bag." Jess exclaim now rubbing the back of his head.

I walk up to him pretending that I'm going to comfort him but instead take this opportunity to ruffle his hair, "You'll be fine, besides we're your only friends. You wouldn't report us." I joke. "Exactly, well anyways as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. Matt Dillon may not be my type, but you know what is my type?  Popcorn, sour patch kids, and Swedish fish. Ahh yes I can see it now, Charlie darling we are going to dine like Queens." Robin announces in a terrible attempt of a posh British accent only to be interrupted by an offended Jess, "What about me?!". "You can get the leftovers." Robin replies without hesitation. "Remind me again why I'm friends with you guys?" Jess questions with his eyebrows scrunched together.

Before I can answer, our attention is caught by the sound of a classroom door opening. We are soon greeted by the presence of a very irritated teacher telling us to get to class. "Sorry Mrs. Bennet we're on our way right now." I assure my displeased third period teacher as I feel my cheeks get hot from embarrassment.

While quickening my pace I turn to my friends and see their faces red from holding in laughter, "Number one, you owe me half of your Swedish fish and Sour patch kids for that ." I whisper to Robin and before she can interject I continue on "And number two, Jess your driving Sunday night. See you guys after school." I call out to them before closing my classroom door making sure they couldn't retort my requests.

I look out the window on the door and see her sticking her tongue out at me from the other side and Jess then pushing her over to stick his tongue out at me as well. I return the action to both of them before turning around and walking away as I go to find my seat and begin to wait for the clock to announce time for the final bell.

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