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kwon so yeon

"Soonyoung-ah! Ireona~" I tapped his body gently.
He's so peaceful. I feel bad for waking him up, thinking that finally he could have a nice good deep sleep.
"Soonyoungiee~ Ireona!! We're going to Maseok today right?" I said as pulling the blanket off of him.
Gosh there's only one way to make him wide awake.
I breathe in and...
"HOSHI HWAITING!" I screamed on his ear.
His eyes open up as I say those words
"HWAITING!!" His upper body went up quickly.
"AISH JINJJA! WAE WAE WAE!!!!" he's pissed but still managed looking so sleepy.
"Get ready, next stop is Maseok and I swear you will get a lot of sleep as soon as we arrived." I throw a towel into his face, and he directly went to the bathroom.

As I wait for him to get done, I walk to the kitchen and prepare ourselves a lunch in case we're hungry.

After he's done, we bring our bags into the car, stuffing them in the backseat.
Then we got into our seat, Soonyoung is driving.
Our trip to Maseok didn't take too long, if the traffic supports us.

"BUREORA HURRICANE!" Soonyoung screamed. God, please let me survive

bang chan

"Goodbye hyung! Stay safe on your way there" Jisung give me a hug.
"Don't forget to eat a lot of chicken and gogi!" Woojin squished me into a tight hug, I barely can breathe
"Tell your mom I said hi" Seungmin tackle me into a hug
Each member said their goodbyes and now I'm walking downstairs to get into the car that JYP already provided.

I quickly put all my bags and stuff my ears with earphones, slowly drifting away.
I can't wait, finally I'm reunited with my family.

2 hours later

"Chan, wake up. You're arrived at your apartment" my manager tapped my shoulder, making my eyes opened softly.
"A-araseo. Gomawo hyung" I said as I rubbed my eyes. I need more sleep.
Then I got up and took all of my bags.

Now, I'm heading to the elevator and pressing the 5th floor (IM ON A HELLEVATOR!)

The door opened on the 5th floor, slowly I'm making my way to my family apartment.

I'm so nervous to meet them, it's been so long since finding skz way back in Australia.
Slowly I touched the bell, and it rang.

The door opened widely, exposing a lady with the biggest smile on her face.

"Chris!" My mom hugged me tightly, making me drop my bags.
"Mom, I miss you so much." I dug lower into the crook of her neck, tearing up.
"I miss you too, hun" she smiled and wiped my tears away.
"Christopher, come to appa!" My dad open his arms widely, making me run into his arms
"My big boy is already grown up, I remembered that yesterday you're still filming for the audition singing 'I'm yours'. I miss you so much, son." My dad rubbed my back
"Come on Chris, let's eat. We just finished cooking BBQ. You'll love it!" My mom pushed me to the dining room.

Finally, home.

kwon so yeon

"Oppa, do you want to switch? I'll drive. You look so tired, go get some sleep please. You're already working your ass off lately" I got into the driver's seat. We're on the rest area because my babo brother has been drinking lots of coffee and it didn't work. He's still sleepy.
"Ah, jinjja?" He puts his seatbelt on.
"Yes, and it's only last for an hour left. Don't be worry" I smiled and start up the car.
"Gomawo, I don't wanna be dead today" he laughs and went to sleep in seconds.

One hour later

I drove the car into a familiar yet still haven't changed a thing neighborhood.

Making my way to the driveway, our home.

"Hosh, ireona~ we're arrived." I turn off the engine. He turned a little and start to blinked his eyes softly, catching for consciousness.
"Ah, home sweet home" we got out of the car and took our stuff.

"Eomma! We're home!" Soonyoung screamed while bursting the door open.
"Soonyoung-ah! Yeon-ah! Come here!" Our mom run and tightly pull us into a hug
"Eom-ma, I c-can't breathe" Soonyoung choked, his voice was like when he got choked by Jihoon for trying to hug him.
"I miss you both so much" she rubbed our back up and down.
"How's your work yeonnie? Do you enjoy your work? Do you fit in easily? It must be so tiring" my mom move a strand of my hair away from my face. I only smiled, I don't want my mom to be so worried about me.
"And Soonyoungie, have you been eating well? You must be so exhausted during the past week" my mom pinched soonyoung cheeks.
"It's kinda exhausting, but it's okay. I've been doing well" he scrunched up his nose

Later this night

It's dinner time, it's been so long since we sit together in the dining table.
Sharing stories to each other, wishing that this moment could froze.

"So yeon-ah, we need to talk about something.." my dad smile suddenly faded. Everything went silence.
My mom and my dad exchange looks to each other, looking tense and nervous.
"Appa, what is it?" I stopped eating my rice.
"The reason we're asking you to come home is, I decided to arrange you on a marriage, to my best friend son." He looks straight into my eyes, his eyes softened.
"Wh-what?! Wae?!" I almost choked while drinking a glass of water.
"wah jinjja?! Appa wae??" Soonyoung got so shocked
"Because I owe him in the past, and it's been our dream to get both of you into a marriage" my dad gently rub my hand back and forth.
"W-wae appa wae? Are you thinking because I'm so busy with my current life I will have no time to find love?!" I cried. This isn't what I wanted, I'm not ready to get married at such a young age.
"Mianhae, yeon-ah. But can you fullfil my dream?" His voice cracks a little
"I-I need time to think" I stood up and head to my room, locking it.
I got into my bed and buried my face into the pillow, raining tears to it.

"Yeon-ah, open up" I heard Soonyoung knocking on the door
"Go away, I need some space." I said, holding my tears for a bit so Soonyoung can't hear it.
"Well if that's what you want. I'll be next door, you can come to me anytime when you feel better. Your oppa will be right here for you" he slowly left, leaving me and my tears alone.

bang chan

"Uwah, I really missed this" I stuff my face with a lot of gogi, chewing them happily. My mom smiled.
"Chris, there's something we need to tell you" my mom held my hand, I swallowed my food right away, ready to listen.
"So you know uncle Kwon right? My best friend for years" my dad looks into my eyes. I hummed, trying to remember this uncle Kwon looks like.
"Oh, Hoshi's sunbaenim dad?" I finally remember his looks. He used to work with my dad when I was a child.
"Yeah, that one. We've been dreaming to arrange you on a marriage with his daughter, who is working as a doctor recently" he gulped.
"But dad, why?! I'm too young to be married. Right now I'm carrying my team success on my back and do you think I'll be ready to carry a family on my back to?! Are you kidding me" I stormed off and went to my room, directly locking it.
I sat on my bed and stuff my ears with earphones.

Annyeong! This chapter is quite long kkkkk~
I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistake.
I'll work harder and better!
Have a nice day!

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