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bang chan

"Chris, can I come in?" My mom opened up the door, slowly walking towards me who's been stuck for hours, thinking about the whole arrangement.
"Everything will be okay, Chris." My mom hugged me from the back
"How will you know that?" I embrace my mom's arm
"I know you'll be okay. Just this once, Chris. He only wanted this," my mom got into her knees and rubbed my face around her soft hands.
"This is everything he only wanted, to see you got married with his choice. I know this is hard and unacceptable.
But everything will be just fine, we'll talk to Park Jin Young." My mom then pulled me into a hug.
There's only silence that filled this moment, everything is mute around us.

"okay, I'll do it.." I pulled away and gave my mom a weak smile
"Thank you, Chris. Thank you" she replied with a smile on her face that I haven't seen in such a long time.

kwon seo yeon

"Appa.." I walk down to a man, sitting on the terrace with a newspaper glued on his fingertips.
"Yeon-ah" he folded the paper and puts it aside, putting all of his attention towards me.
"Appa, I'll do it" after thinking for hours and hours, I made up my mind.
I'll do it for my father's wish.
"Seriously?" He looked shocked but can't hide the happiness in his appearance.
"I'll do it, I-I'll marry him" I gulped as he pulled me into a tight hug
"Thank you for filling my dream, yeonnie. Thank you" he rubbed my back gently, I can notice that he's crying. Unable to contain the happiness.

few hours later

"Yeon-ah, get ready. Your appa's friend is coming over to have some dinner, and talk about the arrangements." My mom walked into my room, giving me a weak smile.
"A-ah aras-seo" I stuttered.
I'm on a mixed feeling between nervous, and still can't get over to face the fact that I'm gonna marry someone I even didn't know yet.
"Wear a beautiful dress okay?" She pecked my head and left me.

I got ready as soon as she walked out. Picking the dresses that I had in my wardrobe, I decide to wear a grey simple dress with a floral design on it.

I do a simple make up, and let my straight hair fall down to my back.

"Eomma, I'm ready" I walked to the living room. Where's everyone is ready, including Soonyoung.
"You look beautiful, saengie~" Soonyoung waddled and gave me a hug that I needed to make the nervous go away.

bang chan

"Chris, wear some nice shirt, please. We're going to visit Mr. Kwon's house to have some dinner and talk about the marriage." My mom slightly chuckled and left some shirts that has been arranged for me to pick.
She left me 3 choices, the first one is a maroon silk shirt.
The second one is a simple black satin  shirt that I used to wear for going out with my members.
And, the last one is a navy satin shirt that used to be my go to shirt.
I directly pick the first choice and left a few top button unclipped (≖‿≖)

After I'm done, I walked to the living room. Glancing at my parents that have been waiting for me.

"Oh, Chris. You look so handsome. Let's go" my mom got up to cupped my face.
Then, we walked into the elevator. Pressing the lobby button, heading to the parking lot outside.
We then got into our car, driving away from the apartment.
I hope everything went well.

kwon seo yeon

I didn't leave my sight from the window, waiting for the Bang's to finally arrived.
I actually felt more nervous than taking my finals of medical studies.

The wait is over, I saw a black car pulled up to our driveway.
suddenly I felt my anxiety, nervousness, everything rushing to my head.

"Yeon-ah, breathe. Everything will be okay" he chuckles as he ran his fingers through my hair

"Soonyoung! Seoyeon! The Bang's had arrived! Come and greet them" I heard my dad yelled
"Everything will be okay, kaja" Soonyoung took my hand and walk downstairs.
I'm too nervous to see this Christopher, so I hide behind Soonyoung's back.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kwon Soonyoung, you can call me Hoshi" Soonyoung bowed down to the figures in front of him.
"A-ann-yeonghasey-yo, I'm Kwon Seoyeon" I stuttered when my eyes met the sight of Christopher.
"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Christopher Bang, or you know me as Bang Chan" he slightly smiled.
"Now, please follow us" My mom greeted and lead the way to the backyard, the dining table is prepared neatly with some fairy lights around the fence, hanging.

After the dinner

The sky got darker within seconds, leaving us under the moon and stars, shining above.

"Uhm, so about the arrangements" my dad cleared his throat.
The sound of it already make my legs start to shake like crazy, I quickly hold on to Soonyoung's hands, squeezing it.
"Right, so you guys might have known each other" my dad looked at Soonyoung and Chan.
"This is Seoyeon, Hoshi's sister.
The one who's going to marry you, my dearest daughter. She recently just got accepted into a hospital as an emergency doctor" my dad smiled as he glanced at me, I only gave a weak smile
"Seoyeon, meet Christopher or Chan. He's the leader of Stray Kids. My caring son" Chan's father smiled at me.
I look over to Chan, he isn't having this moment.
"We're planning to marry both of you this January, secretly. Only families and close friends who can attend." Chan's father continued
"I think it's better on 16? Or 20 January. What do you think? But sooner is better" both of them laughs
"16 it is!" My dad exclaimed happily.

After all the talks about arrangements, we finished dinner and surprisingly the Bang's are going to spend their New year's countdown here.
2019 is only a few hours left, and every seconds is closer to 16th of January. (lmao sis it's still a long way to that chapter, just tryna be so dramatic ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

"Hey, maybe you should try to talk to Chan" Soonyoung suddenly sat next to me
"Why would I?!" I exclaimed
"You know, he's the leader of his group. He might feel lonely, because he can't spend his new year together with his member. After all, you're going to be his wife though" he laughs, I punch his arms softly, annoyed.
"Come on, it's worth a shot." He gazed into my eyes, and I don't know why right now I'm slowly walking towards Chan, who is looking to the starry night.

"Um, hey.." I tapped his back softly. He turned around and gave me a fake smile, like he was forced.
"Are you alright?" I slowly take a seat on the grass, next to him.
He only gave me a dead silence.
"I-I'm trying to talk to you, you know?" I said as feeling the urge to just go away but I just couldn't.
"How can you think I'm alright? I should be at the dorm, spending my new year happily with my member. Pulling an all nighter, and suddenly right now I'm stuck to this stupid arrangement that my dad set me up for, with someone I really didn't know! How could you be okay with all of this? Are you idiot or something? Because you agree so easily, like is this some kind of joke to you? I have a long career waiting for me with my member. I make my own way since 2011 and finally debuted. I got 8 on my back already, and now I have to add you into my life! How can you think I'm alright with all of this?!" He shouted at me nonchalantly. His eyes are watery, trying so hard not to cry.
"That's it. You're off the limits" I felt Soonyoung grabbed my arms and lead me to the living room.
I sat on the living room, not leaving my sight on the figure staring at the sky.
My mind try to progress everything but, it's just failed.
I only stood there, quiet.
I never got shouted by a man before, and sadly it must be the one who I'm gonna marry.

annyeong chingudeul! How are u guys? I'm sorry if I'm taking so long to update bcs I just got into Senior high school and thankfully a week has passed and everything went well:)
I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote! hehehe:3

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