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bang chan

I was shocked knowing the words that came out of Minho's mouth
"what?" I asked once more
"Yeah, today we saw Yeon noona! She looked so pretty!" I heard Hyunjin screamed from the back
"We decided to treat ourselves at first, and Minho hyung suddenly notices her mate" Felix steal the phone from Minho's hands.
"Why only dance racha? Where's the other?" I ask putting my phone on the other ear
"Oh, nothing. We were out and felt so hungry all the sudden" Felix said
"What a bad bad dance racha" I laugh

"But, seriously hyung. Soyeon noona is neomu yeppeoseo" Hyunjin snatched the phone
"Neomu yeppeo? She's fine.." I said. For me, she's just fine eh
"Enough! This is my phone! Um, Chan hyung. Can I met her tomorrow?" Minho snatched the phone back, pausing the last sentence.
"Yeah sure, go ahead. You don't need to have my permission" I furrowed my brows
"Okay, thank you. Have a goodnight hyung!" Minho finally hung up.

Huh that's weird.

kwon seo yeon

As I'm going to climbed up to the bunk bed on top of Dino, he switched his bed. So I'm sleeping below him.

I was ready to get comfy but, there's a text, and it's from tokki minho.

tokki minho
Hey! Are u still awake?

Hey, yeah I am.

tokki minho
I'm free tomorrow, can we met and catch up? I've got a lot of stories to tell.

Sure! Do you still remember a park that used to be our hideout place? Let's met there!

tokki minho
You still remember it? Sometimes I went there by myself ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Okay, see u there, 8am.


I turn off my phone and finally sleep.

Next morning

I woke up earlier than everyone in the room, I turn on my phone. It's 6 am.
I quietly sneak out of the room, afraid waking the others up. I head to the bathroom and took a shower.


Hello! It's me again, I'm back with another chapter! I'm sorry for the lack of time I took to update this hikd:((
I hope you like this smol update:3

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