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kwon seo yeon

" ....baksu!.....seventeen right- " I quickly turn my alarm off, it was 7 am.
I know that I said that I don't like how my brother became a kpop idol, but as a sister I must support him and actually their song is a BOP.

As soon as I woke up, I head to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
It's Friday, the last day of work. I know there's actually no day off for an emergency doctor but, they gave me a new year break early.

"Yeon-ah! baegopa~" my roommate burst into my room.
"Let's have breakfast at the cafe near there, I heard it's a grand opening and there's a discount. What do you think, Sona unnie?" I said and chuckled at the end.
"Okay! I'll be ready!" She got out of my room and prepare herself.

My roommate name is, Kim Son A. She's older by 3 years. She's working as a head editor on a magazine company, that's why she's always coming home later than me.

We walk out of the apartment and make our way to the cafe that only one block away.

"So where are you going for the new year break? did your boss give you a day off?" I took a sip of my tea.
"Aniya, currently he's having a lot of ideas and making us work more. So we don't get a chance to have a day off" I look at Sona who eat really well.
"How about you? you're coming home?" She said while stuffing her mouth
"Yeah, for one week or more maybe. It depends" I continue eating my sausage ( why're you touching my sausage - yongbok )

Then we finish our breakfast and head to our workplace.

I head to my locker room and put my bag, changing into a medical clothes.
And that's how my day started today.

bang chan

"Chan hyung! Ireona!" Jeongin start to pat my back.
"IREONAAAAAAA!!!!" I can feel hyunjin start to come to my room, screaming. These crackheads.
Then I feel Han dragged me out of the bed and directly pulled me into a tight hug. I only whine at him
"Chan ireona~ today is the kbs festival. We have to get ready" Woojin lead me into the bathroom and passed a towel to me.

I took a quick shower and get ready.
Then we went to have some breakfast. Today is the kbs festival, we're so nervous because not only it's our first time but we're going to perform as a JYP nation.

We got into our van and head to the kbs stadium.

kwon seo yeon

It was my break time, I decided to get some lunch at the cafe.
I was enjoying my meal until soonyoung called me.

"Hello?" I slide my finger towards the answer button.
"Yeon-ah~ today seventeen will perform on kbs festival. You must watch it! We're performing Thanks and Getting closer" I continue eating my food
"Ah, I hope you will do your best today. I'll be watching you. Oh and you're going to spend New year break with our family gathering right? i miss you" I whine in the end of the line. I heard his cute giggles
"yea, Yeon-ah, yea. i miss you too~" I miss soonyoung a lot.
"Okay, then you must get ready for tonight. Tell the boys I said hello, goodbye soonyoungiee~" I hang up the call and finish my lunch

"yeonnie! wait a minute!" A junior sprinted to me
"what's wrong, Soo bin-ah?" I turn my back facing Park Soo Bin. She's an internship at this hospital, we're pretty close because she looked up to me and I don't even know why.
"I'm so happy! I just got a ticket to kbs festival! I can't believe finally I can see my Jeongin!!" She squealed with happiness. tbh I don't even know who is Jeongin. I only know Seventeen, Exo and bangtan.
"Well that's great, you should keep going by now tho. The traffic will be so stressful if you're coming late." I walk to the counter returning my tray of finished meal.
"I actually got two tickets, and I don't have a friend to hang. Maybe you will company me? please unnie" she pouts
"You must be thankful for today because I don't have a shift after this break. Okay, I'll wait for you at the bus station" I smiled. She then gave me a hug and left.

I turn on my phone and text soonyoung.

See you later on the stage soonyoungie~
You must do ur best when I watch u right there. I'll be watching u;)

Wait what? You're coming? HOW?! the tickets are hard to get tho
I'll be working my best and u better cheer my name the loudest
gotta go rehearsal, see u there lil sissy~

I only read his text and laugh about it.

I went back to my locker room and changed into my clothes this morning.
I wait for Soo bin at the bus, and there she is, she's running towards me with a really big smile on her face.

"let's go!" she dragged me into the bus that had just arrived

bang chan

We are currently rehearsing to "don't leave me" dance. It was pretty exhausting but, I can't wait to see our stay.

After we finish JYP nation rehearsal, the next one is Seventeen.
My member and I greet them, as they walk by us.

"Hey, you're Stray Kids! you're the one who covers our Adore U way back then right?" Hoshi stopped while greeting at me.
"Ah, nee" Minho smiled
"You guys did a great job! I love your performance" Scoups patted Minho's shoulder
"Thank you" I smiled, and we walk away to our dressing room to get ready.


uwah it's pretty long chapter right here >_<
But hey I hope you like this chapter
Have a nice day everyone~~

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