Last Day of School

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" good morning students please stand for your moment of silence." The load speaker echoed, today is my last day at the new school. Me and River had a discussion with my mom about the whole my boyfriend is a wolf Lycan thing and at first let's just say it didn't go to well. At the end of it though she believed us and excepted it after river shifted in front of her.

So now that has me where I am now the last day at a normal school, good freakin gosh I never thought this would be happening to anyone let alone me! So guess who has to go to a School to guide the gifted meaning people like myself and River with unnatural abilities, you guessed it this girl right here but hey since I'm going River has decided there is no way he wouldn't be going because apparently he despises the idea of me being around males unmated or not. Unfortunately I have to say good bye to my new found "bestie" as she likes to call ma pipsqueek. Ugh I'm gonna miss her as much as I hate to admit it. Speaking of the devil.

Message from P❤️
Wanna get coffee.?👀
Heck ya I reply back
Kk meet me at Dunkin' Donuts after school luv u

I told her a week ago and she was to say the least upset about me switching school with River. She made me promise to text her every day.

Half way done with the day

Someone aka river came up behind be and nuzzled my neck whispering " ready for lunch"

" yea I just need to get my money hold on a sec." He stops my hand from reaching into the locker.

" I'll pay come on let's go."

" no you can't pay for everything I do and buy all the time ."

" yea, I can because your mine and you don't get to decide so just stop arguing with me."  He tilts his head down giving me stern look.

" fine your such a stubborn ass sometimes but thank you for buying it for me its not that I'm ungrateful or anything it just makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of you."

" stop, first off you can't be taking advantage of me if I'm practically force buying you things and secondly I have enough money to last me a couple of lifetimes and my life span is way above average." He whispered the last part basically he was telling me what I already know which is that he is a young rich multi millionaire thanks to him being a werewolf/Lycan royalty also next in line for king. I'm not going to argue any further because I know that will just end up in another argument so I just lean up and kiss his lips quickly and pull away. As I look around I can see envious stares from a few girls that just happened to see the peck. My eyes land on a fuming Sarah the girl from my gym class yay and next to her the readheaded bimbo that called me a fantasy on my first day at school lovely. I ignore them and head to lunch with Rivers's hand holding mine.

" what do you plan on vetting because I want the pizza?" River asks

" i want my same old thing which is Chinese bar." He should know this buy now

" I figured as much here's 10 bucks get whatever you want. K I'll be in the other line talking to Logan bye baby see you in about 10 minutes."
I'm standing by myself looking for my lily pipsqueek but I don't see her in this line so I just wait until I sense someone behind me. I turn around to see no one other than Sarah, my luck I swear.

" so I seen river hand you money you must not me able to afford lunch without him huh?" What a fucking bitch

" listen I don't know what your problem is with me other than the fact your a jealous bitch who wants my boy. As soon as I got here you've been a fucking nuisance. And I will make you a promise ok? If I hear you say another word you won't like what will happen next. I'm being fair by giving you a warning ok?"

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