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' Hey, dickwad

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' Hey, dickwad. Where's Billy? ' 


Eden jogged up the street toward the pool, the only car spot seeming to be the furthest away. Her eyes scanned the pool when she stepped inside the foyer, not finding Billy, nor Heather, anywhere in sight. She turned to the bench beside her, the manager sitting there with one of the other lifeguards beside him.

'Hey,' She called. 

The pair ignored her, talking about something in a magazine. 

'Hey, dickwad. Where's Billy?' She asked. 

'Woah, what the fuck?' The man stood. 

'I asked you a question. Where's Billy? Or Heather, even?'

'Uh, I... I don't know.'

She shook her head, pursing her lips as she strode into the pool; eyes moving over each face she passed. She made her way into the change rooms, searching each aisle of lockers.

'Billy,' She called. 

Her voice bounced off the walls with no reply, causing her to huff and yank open another door. She made her way through the small gym, searching for her boyfriend, and through to the sauna. She yanked open the door, receiving a chorus of yells in reply. 

'Nothing special to look at, boys,' She rolled her eyes as she let the door fall shut. 

Eden let out a yell, striding back through the building until she was outside. She slammed her hands down on the bench, scaring the pair before her. 

'I'm going to call the cops,' The man spat; 'You can't just-'

'Do it. He's my Dad,' She sent him a tight smile.

He took a step back, fear in his eyes as he leant over the counter and snatched a piece of paper and a pen. 

'You see Billy, ring this number,' She wrote down her landline.

'What'd he do to you?' The girl asked. 

'Nothing. He's sick, he's missing, I'm worried about him. Oh, and I'm his fucking girlfriend.'

She sent the girl a glare before she turned away, striding out of the building once more. 


'Fuck's sake, Hopper, where are you?' Eden yelled as she hung up the phone.

She'd searched the entire town for her boyfriend, every street and alley. She checked his house, the garage and Heather's. And he was no where to be found. She was hysterical, her hair a mess from the amount of times she'd run her fingers through it and her cheeks stained with tears. She'd tried ringing Hopper in hopes he might be able to help, even used the two way radio to try and contact him. But, he was useless to her if he didn't answer. 

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