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The song attributed to this story is
Señorita-Camilla Cabello ft Shawn Mendes

I am such a big fool. How couldn't I watch who I was hugging before jumping on the stranger like that.

As soon as I noticed that it wasn't any ordinary stranger but no one else but Mr.Asher, I immediately step back to look at him but his hands were on my waist forcing me to stay in the same position.

OMGGG!!! Jade u are a big fool ughhh. I think I have a talent for always being in uncomfortable and awkward situation.

To avoid looking at him , I turn around to look for the drunk guy but he had walked away. Such a coward I tell my self.

Mr.Asher starts laughing. Shit! did I say it aloud?. He replies, "Indead your rapist is a coward , by the way how did you get there?."

"I was looking for the washrooms and I decided to take the stairs and that's when he caught me" Whiles I was saying it ,I looked at the ground because my cheeks where becoming red due to this embarrassing situation (like who wants to be saved by their boss when someone tries to rape them) and his closeness.

I think he is slightly drunk because he notices how this situation and his closeness is uncomfortable for me but he doesn't move backwards he rather looks at me from my top to the down like he was checking me.

He then decides to bring his face more closer to mine to a point that if someone coughs, the air from the cough will be able to push me to touch his face. (Ok this is a little bit exaggerated but you get mine point).

He directs his mouth to my ears and whispers,"You look beautiful tonight ". With that, he winks at me and releases the hand he had on my waist.

Finally!!! This is the perfect moment to escape this awkward moment but my body is frozen due to his words and this made me blush. I wanted to say 'Thank you' but he turns his back and leaves.

Few seconds passes after he left and that's when my senses returned. I started freaking like OMGGGG!! Did he just say I am looking pretty tonight?? ........No he said beautiful, AHHH!!! This made me do a victory dance like as if I have accomplished something.

People started looking at me and that made me stop. It is at that point I remembered I wanted to pee. I looked around and saw a few ladies coming out of a room. BINGO! I have found it.

I made my way there , did my business and arranged my makeup a little. I came out and I started looking for Jenny and the girls.

I checked my phone to see if anyone tried calling me and there were 5 missed calls from Jenny and a message which reads,"Boo I love you but I have an activity to do with the bartender so I am gone. 😉".

Great! now I have to look for a drive home. At that point I look around for the girls and I see them all busy so I send them messages telling them that I am leaving.

I squeeze my way through the people to be able to get out of this club. I call an Uber to come pick me. He says he will be here in ten minutes .

I start playing candy crush on my phone whiles waiting and that's when a black BMW latest model car comes a park in front of me.

I thought it was my Uber but then realized that an Uber car can not be this nice. So I lower my head to see who the driver is and it is Mr.Asher.

He lower his glass and asks , "Do you want a lift?". " No thanks, I have already called an Uber" I reply. A smirk appears on his lips and he says,"Why waste money on an Uber when I am offering you a drive home? And I want my assistant to get home early so that she can work on all the documents I emailed to her".

He got a point there, I first hesitate then later cancels the trip with the Uber and got in his car. He starts the car and starts driving.

He was driving at a great speed and this made me have second thoughts on my decision. I should have gone with the Uber .

There was this silence in the car so I ask him, "Mr.Asher , won't you ask me where I live or you know there already?" He turns to look at me and he looks back on the road and replies, "I know where all of my workers live."


After few minutes, we reach my house and I turn to look at him to say thank you but he was already staring at me and he says

Thanks for reading this chapter.

What do you think of Asher. is he acting suspicious?

What will be their ship name?

Sorry for the late update I have been quite busy but I will try and update soon.

Please remember to vote and comment . If any grammatical errors please comment on them so that they can be corrected.

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SNAPCHAT; Nellybab12

INSTAGRAM: nell_llee

-love N12N

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