Two Fates and One untold

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It was a warm morning for one Aesop Carl. The sun was not bathing him its light anymore, for the sun had gone a head above him. That day, The youth had opted to sleep in, was it out of embarrassment for yesterday's events? Sheer tiredness? Perhaps a mixture of both. He would have been late had it been a normal day, but he was in luck. Today was a free day, one of the rare days where warriors are allowed to roam around without training, work—anything of the sort. As long as they return before dusk.

Because of this, and possibly yesterday's wreckage, he decided to dress differently. When he was a child, after being adopted as Leo Beck's child, he had grown used to wearing garments women would wear. As a young child, his father would allow him to attend plays, and due to the fact he had rather feminine features as a child, he normally took on the role of the girl. It was normal then for a young child, but now as he was—it was not.

Now that he is older, he thought it is odd that Leo allowed him to do these kinds of things. The more he pondered, the more he thought that it made sense since he was essentially a replacement for his daughter. It might be just him thinking of it pessimistically though as Leo always tried to make sure he never felt that way. Nevertheless, he still maintains the habit yet shy of this knowledge. The good side was if no one knew him, what's the harm in dressing as a woman?

So that day, he wore one of his most prized possessions. A dyed tunic his father had gifted him long ago, the color similar to that of a blue hued flower that had started to dull out but nevertheless ageless. It draped around him seamlessly, adding with that his cloak. He looked at his side to see his ribbon, he decided to forego wearing it today, letting his hair fall down to his shoulders, but he couldn't leave it there, so he tied it around his small wrist.

Once he left his room, something was different, or rather, something was missing. There were no flowers at all. He stood there, glancing at every direction, but no flower in sight. For some reason, he could not help but feel a weird sense of sadness instead. He could get his own flowers, but he had been starting to expect it. Still, he brushes it off and went on his way.

The women, like that of Ms. Dyer, were nowhere in sight. He guesses they might be doing the same thing he is planning to do—visit the temples. "Hey! Morning 'Sop!" He looked on as Naib waved wildly; the rest of his friends casually conversed with one another. "Good morning." Aesop gave a small smile, his eyes immediately softening. "Wow 'Sop! This is definitely a new look on you." Norton said, sizing him up with a critical eye. "A good or a bad one?" Aesop asked, starting to get a bit worried about his stylistic choices. Maybe it was not a good idea to wear this dress after all. "No not at all, you look beautiful 'Cinth." Eli said, giving his brightest smile. Warmth burst in his cheeks, Aesop smiled happily, not saying a word but visibly very very happy at his words. "Well come on man, let's get moving! We gotta eat first." William said, gesturing out as he did.

They walked leisurely as William led them up front, Norton and Naib stuck with one another while Eli walked beside Aesop. The place was bustling—loud with offers of fresh fish, ripe fruit and much more. It was not surprising that it would be a busy day today. Still, the amount of people made the place look overcrowded. "How will we eat.." Aesop muttered, scanning his eyes at the people filing. "Ey I got it!" Naib suddenly perked up. "Let's just split up and buy some food separately, and we'll just regroup and find each other." They thought for a bit.

"That might work!"

"I don't mind man."

"I'm fine with it."


"That settles it!" Naib grinned, "Me and Nort will go east." "I'll go west." Aesop stated. "Mm okay! So who wants to go with—" "I'll go." Eli piped in, immediately placing himself at Aesop's side. "Ohoho that's a fast answer! Ey wait, what about—" "I'll be fine man." William assured Naib, "Besides I'm the fastest one out of all of you, I might even leave you in the dust." He grinned. Naib stuck his tongue out saying "Sure sure!"

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