Act 2

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Itwas a special day for you and me,
3 days going into our anniversary.
I love you then, I love you now.
I have forever to show you how.

For once I felt love.
Love that I can't fully explain.
More divine than the Gods above.
Something you unknowingly gain.

However fate changed it's course.
To a biased ending he forced.
For what I did then I feel remorse.
To take the flower and break it's core.

Joseph left earlier that day. He was sorry he couldn't at least leave a note but it was urgent. The damned sunlight over that hatch was a sign. Sure, it couldn't been a coincidence, but the fact the sun was in another direction meant this was a controlled effect. And there was only one person who could control anything of the sun aside from him. The allfather,


Now that man, is the devil to sun god. The underworld would suit him better than his uncle. If you compared him to Hades, Hades would be a literal saint. Since the day he was created for the purpose of handling the sun, his father has made a fool of him. He was left to be taken care of by Hera, who his father somehow forgot hated his guts. So of course, the person who stood as his had to be his Mother figure hated him too.

Growing up, he had to adapt to the harsh conditions Hera would have him be in, being left defenseless to the cruel doings of other Gods. He used to have the company of his brother Artemis. Originally, they were suppose to raise the sun together, but that damned man had to change his brother. Made him a god for the moon, and kept him chained there, never allowed to step down.

It was cruel, cruel how his brother was left to grow alone. Whenever he passed by and heard that the people from below believed that the his brother was a Moon Goddess and not a Moon God, he wanted to say "that's not my brother!" Whenever he say depictions. Still, his brother was lucky, he didn't have to deal with their bastard of a father.

Back to the present, Joseph ran and ran and ran. Ran until his lungs felt like it was about to burst. Masquarading as a human was really tedious, to actually experience everything a human would experience is tedious. Even so, it led him to discover something beautiful now didn't it? When he finaly caught his breath, he looked up to see the same woods Vera and him used to traverse until she could no longer leave as she wanted.

However, it felt different. Still, he preservered and walked it's path. The more he walked, the more deranged he felt it become. The path to the flower field started to look menacing. The light of his morning sun seemed to disappear ever so slowly, replaced by a stagnant twillight. Was this really the place that man wanted to meet him?

Reaching the flower field confirmed his guess. The once colorful flowers were stripped of their vibrant nature, exchanged for a colorless glasslike look. The flowers reflected the purple twillight of the sky on it's petals. The stars seemed to have lost their twinkle. Joseph grimaced at this. His mood became even more severe when he saw a lone man appear a few feet away from him.

"Well hello there Zesus."

That man, he never really had a true form to begin with, or atleast he never saw his true form, but right now he looked nothing more than a copy of himself. A darker version of himself

"Awwww, is that how you should be speaking to your dear ol' papa? Give some respect Apollo." Zesus feigned hurt as he placed his hands around where his heart should be. Joseph furrowed his eyebrows, "are you done playing dress up?"

Zesus smiled at him, "of course not! Do you know how much work I put in into making you and Artemis? Am I not allowed to have something I created?" His smile continue to grow larger as he felt the anger boil inside of his son. "We are not your toys!" Joseph screamed in anger.

The God and The Youth [IdentityV JosCarl]Where stories live. Discover now