Small Truths

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"It was a tragic story don't you agree?" Fiona comments, swiping away a tear from her eyes. That woman was starting to get on Aesop's nerves. She was still sticking rather close to Joseph, who looked very solemn making Aesop worried.

"Err.." Naib scratches his nape as he said, "Ya, I don't get it." "Me neither." Aesop chimed in, truth be told the story didn't make sense to him either. Fiona cheekily grins, "Ehhh~ why so Aesop—" "Hyacinth please." Aesop gave her a tiny glare at this. This one doesn't feel right, he thinks. Something about this woman is making him feel anxious.

"Oh right!" She giggles, "why does it make no sense to you Hyacinth? Did you not like the story?" Fiona lulls her head as she said, "do you empathize with Apollo who killed his lover? Or Coronis, Vera the princess who lied and dug herself a grave?"

Joseph who remained quiet through the whole exchange notes the change in atmosphere. Naib looked weirded out from being ignored. William looked concerned for him. Fiona seemed to be taunting Aesop. Aesop looked like he was a cat on guard, and he? He doesn't know how he's being perceived at that moment. He was just frozen in thought.

Aesop waited for a moment before he confidently announced his answer,

"I don't think it makes sense for a lot of reasons. If Apollo loved Vera or Coronis so much then why would he kill her? In the play the reason they gave is because she lied about having no betrothed, but she didn't lie; she was engaged at that exact day and she couldn't disagree. I doubt he'd kill her on the spot without explaining first."

This made Joseph flinch which didn't go unnoticed by William.

"Maybe they made it a bit too loose fron reality."

"Hmmmm, you say it like it's true Hyacinth." Fiona,  once again grins like the cheshire cat. Aesop only frowned.

"You say it like I don't have knowledge on screenplay, I'd ought to know especially when I grew up with it! People like to change up the story to make it more interesting—"

"Woah woah woah calm down folks." William said going between the two. "We gotta go miss, after the play is done and we got some stuff to do." Fiona looked sad for a moment; She nodded and answered "that is true, I guess this is fair well, hope we meet again soon!" The smile she gave was sweet in nature but really it just annoyed Aesop to the bone for some reason.

"I hope not." He subtly muttered under his breath as the braided woman walked away. "'Sop! That ain't nice!" Naib scolded, sure she didn't like that woman either but this version of Aesop surprised him. Did Fiona really ruffle him so much that he's this impolite? 

The youth started to feel guilty, True he was being rather bratty; that weird feeling that lingers around her is too strong to ignore. Still, "Sorry.." he said, looking down casted. Naib sighed, looking at William with a pleading look but he too looked back looking the same.

"Do you want to go somewhere little flower?" Aesop looked up to see Joseph smiling, his blue eyes looked melancholic despite his bright smile, maybe he needed an escape too.

"Hm!" Aesop nodded and followed the sun where ever he went. William and Naib watched as the two went a head of them. "Guess like we didn't have to do damage control but man, that woman was really weird." "Yea' no doubt 'bout that." Naib said, "good thing they have eachother tho, to pick up the pieces." William grinned, raising his hands with a carefree disposition.

"Wish I could have somethin' like that." Naib quietly muttered. William looked at him with curious eyes, he gave a small smile as he spoke with certainty,

"You will find it someday."

Meanwhile, The God and The youth frolick around the streets. Looking at the shops but never really buying anything despite Joseph's insistance. Joseph's relentlessness complimented the blatant stubborness that made up Aesop Carl.

The God and The Youth [IdentityV JosCarl]Where stories live. Discover now