If only

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If only fate had been kinder, we would've been together. If the God of the sun hadn't met you, maybe it could have been different. If I hadn't met the God of the sea, maybe things could have been different. If the all father was kinder, we would have been together.

If our family hadn't been torn asunder when we were only children, maybe we could have grown together. Maybe I could have been the one you leaned on as you grew. Maybe I could have been the one to watch as you frolicked around the theatre.

Maybe I could have been the one for you.

It was a fairly normal morning for Eli Clark. The sun was bright and warm against his skin, but it looked even better on the man that slept next to him. He woke up early. The youth would have woken up around the same time but given the events that happened the night before, he'll wake up around noon. A small but sweet smile climbed it's way to Eli's face. He felt at peace as he watched the steady breathing of the other.

Aesop Carl, his beloved Childhood friend now lover, slept with serenity. His grey hair was strewn over his head like a halo but he didn't need this when he was already an Angel in Eli's eyes. Soft pale skin littered with blooming flowers of red and purple, sensitive to touch. His lashes lay above his cheeks delicately, drool escaped his red but chapped lips. He looked so beautiful.

As much as Eli wanted to see him wake up, he decided to leave quietly and let Aesop wake on his own time. After all he had work to do.

"Yo!" The street was filled with street vendors setting up shop for the day. Eli looked over to see Naib Subedar waving his hands quite chaotically. Naib subedar, a dear friend of his and Aesop, is a warrior in training serving under Sir Leo's wing. The short, but monstrously strong, man would sometimes spar with Eli to train him in defense and offense. He has the brains to provide but he's going to need brawn to protect Aesop now does he?

"Good morning Naib." Eli smiled as Naib bumped shoulders with him. "Where's 'Sop? Did ya really do wm to the ground—" "s-shush!" Eli's face turned red at the implication. "I'm right aren't I?" Naib grinned as he took out a small pouch. "Then let's celebrate! Ya finally did it! C'mon it'll be my treat." Eli sighed before shaking his head, face still red. "I would take you on that offer but I need to take this Tracy." Naib pouted at the sight of scrolls. "Yeah yeah, but ya better celebrate with me one day!" Eli nodded "I'll do that when you finally do it with Jack!"

It took awhile, but Eli finally arrived at the library— er house of Tracy. It had a strange history. It was an orphanage at first, then it became a library Tracy inherited from her family, but now it was just Tracy's workshop of some sort but still a library. "Good morning Trace— wait where are you?" Eli placed the mountain of scrolls to a nearby table. He looked around the room with squinted eyes. "Ah! Good morning Mr. Eli!" Tracy, a smart bubbly child, was covered in dust and muck but it didn't seem to bother her. "You're already working? It's so early in the morning." Eli said fondly as he used the underside of his robe to clean some of the muck off.

Tracy hurriedly pushed his hands away "e-eh! You don't need to do that Mr. Eli! You're gonna get dirty I can clean myself!" She used the cloth wrapped around her waist as a towel. Eli chuckled, "take a bathe right after alright? Say, do you know where your father is?" The tiny genius looked up in thought "I think papa left to get new supplies. He says he has another Theory to present." Eli hummed, "tell Mr. Reznik I've delivered my part of the work alright?" "Yep yep! Tell 'Sop hi for me too!" Tracy piped in before Eli left.

By the time noon had struck, Eli had already arrived in the theatre. There wasn't a play scheduled for that day, but there was a play in the few following weeks. Today was just a free verse type of play, a derranged rehearsal.

The God and The Youth [IdentityV JosCarl]Where stories live. Discover now