Lucky Lucky!

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Itwas going to be another normal, routinely cultivated, day except it did not feel like it.

That day Aesop Carl woke up in cold sweat, along with an unsettling feeling in his chest. Time moved fast when you're having fun they say, and that might be true. He's spent his days being surrounded by his friends, coddled by his father despite nearing his age and being in the light of Joseph's eyes. It was already May 10, a day before his birthday or rather when he was adopted.

Seeing the white flower Joseph's been leaving him for the past few months has elevated a bit of that worry of his. As he dresses in his white garments he took a small pouch containing small but adequate amount of coins with him and hid it underneath his belt. Before he exited his quarters he saw the black ribbon he used to wear hanging loosely by a frame. Without thought, he took it and hid it inside the pouch instead of wrapping it in his wrist like he did before.

By the time he ate his breakfast, the unsettling feeling didn't disappear, instead it grew more tensely. "A–sop, Aesop!" The youth was startled out of his thoughts as a familiar voice spoke to him.

"Sorry, but are you okay little flower?" Joseph looked worried, his lips were pursed but ready to speak again before Naib interrupted him. "Yeah, you've been out of it sop. Dya loose sleep or something?" Aesop shook his head and softly murmured "No, I don't think so? I did woke up feeling strange. Maybe it's just.. pre-birthday jitters."

"What? What do you need to be worried for man? It's gonna be fine! We've gotta make it special for ya and no doubt your pops got something planned, and who knows maybe lover boy has something too." William winked at Joseph before he promptly got slapped by his thicc biceps.

" have nothing to worry about." It had been so long since they last talked but Eli looked at him assuringly, despite his blindfold Aesop knew it was. If it had been another person Eli would have looked cold, even menacing, but this is Eli we're talking about.

"Thank you." His worries shimmered down at that point. 'I guess what's left now is to enjoy my time.' He thought, the chatter of his friends became white noise in his ears.

After some time, Aesop stood up. His fill was clean with not even a speck of leftovers. "Yah goin—somwha 'Sop?" Naib asked with cheeks full of the still abundant berries Joseph had collected a week or so prior. Aesop nodded, waving his coin pouch, "I thought it'll be good to go around the market for some time. Buy something for myself, I think." He trailed off when William grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "Get something man! Treat yourself, self care is top priority. If ya need us, we'll probably be in Norton's— er the gramps workshop today."

"Yeah, apparently our order for new weapons got finished a wee bit early so we're plannin on helping carry the load." Naib—gone with the berries but teeth lined with some—nodded to himself but his eyes shimmered with obvious delight.

"Yeah, I heard there's this new guy in the old man's guidance or something. A real big brain typa man. Hphm! I'll be the judge of that." William grumbled crossing his arms against his expansive chest. "That's to say if ya have a brain will!" Naib cackled a bit before choking on a berry.

"Well well, considering you might need man power, I'll join in." Joseph grinned, patting Naib on the back as William howled. "Well aren't you a gentleman!" "Sure am." He winked in response. Seeing as everyone was still preoccupied—well excluding Joseph and Eli who silently watched as Naib kept gourging up on more berries—he excused himself but not before he snagged a handful of berries.

"Best be going then." Aesop quietly mutters, lowering his head. His eyes quickly went to Joseph who mouths him a few words.

'See you later, you know where to find me'

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