Breakthrough (Unedited)

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Time was ticking, and he knew this well. Eli Clark paced around aimlessly. Mind boggled on what to do. That thing had said they'd ensure his safe descent to the underworld if he had the flowers Aesop kept in his heart, but what could that be? The man sighed under the stars. He visited his beloved earlier that day. Having guessed that 'close to his heart' might've meant the funeral flowers that were placed around him. With guilt, he snatched some and hid them underneath his belt.

In hindsight, funeral flowers seemed a bit too shallow to describe something as grand as the flowers Aesop supposedly loved dearly. He couldn't love them, not while death holds him. It took awhile before he made a stark realization. Aesop Carl, is a youth that never steps foot out without flowers. Eli Clark's hand hovered above a pale cold cheek to storm cloud-spun hair, parting it to the side to reveal a wilting white flower.

The very same ones Joseph Desaulnier gives him each morning.

Of course, He thought, plucking the flower out. This is the answer for sure. Even so, he could not help the dark tendrils that wormed its way into his heart. It made sense it would be the ones from him. That man, for all he stands to be, treasured Aesop in the way he should have been able to.

Did he even stand a chance? Could things have been different had he...

No matter, there was no use dwelling on the past nor the possibility of what could have beens. All he knows now is that one measly wilting flower would not be enough to fulfill the demands of that creature. Eli looked back at Aesop's wake one last time before he walked back up. He had only one destination in mind.

Swiftly moving the halls with silenced feet reminded him of the past. Each step brought a familiar feel that only told his soul that he was not out of practice. The way he moved was like that of a thief into the night, in a moment, he truly would be. Aesop's room had turned foreign since the last time he had set foot there. He couldn't recall when exactly. The days beyond the time of the youth's passing feels like a long gone reality. The fact that he had passed turned the room into its own picturesque haunting.

From the way the sheets were left as they were. Some clothes tossed into one corner. If he closed his eyes, perhaps he could see the way Aesop waltzed back into his room that night before falling into sleep. Unknowing of the way the brother of sleep 'death' would whisk him away to a place they cannot venture. Until now that is.

The parchments of pressed dried flowers would be the key to end all of this.

Now, as he held them all in his hands, he sought refuge in the forest. The night breeze grazes his warm cheeks with it's cold. Eli breathes deeply. Listening to the sound of his owl's occasional hoots, the sounds of a murmuring stream, and the sound of his own heart beat. He let himself fall into the embrace of the night. Dreaming that perhaps his moonlit love would visit him in his dreams and console him. Where exactly would that stranger meet him? He thinks he knows the answer.

Joseph counted the days by the amount of times the sun he embodied danced in the sky. Only two days left before they have no other choice but to bury Aesop Carl, his flower, his lover... His mind falters at the thought. Once again believing he has no right. He was supposed to protect him, dammit! He was blessed under his name for Olympus sakes. Under his protection—and yet here he is, here they are..Bringing Aesop back was the least he could do.

"Apollo!" he looks back to see Hermes calling to him. "...What is it." William looked strange. Rubbing his ankles with his winged sandals, shoulders hunched back; it didn't suit him. "Bad news, Hades won't accept an audience with you."

What? Joseph moved forward looking disgruntled by the news. "That—That!" "He said he's too busy to entertain the whims of children." William scratches his head.

"Look, things are looking grim and—" "I'll go." The messenger God whipped his head so quickly it was near comical. "Ha?!" "I'll go." Joseph repeated himself, unbothered by the other's look of utter disbelief. Just as The Sun God turned to leave, William blocked his way. "You can't go."

Soon he felt a sudden heat wave hit his face as he looked to see the corners of Joseph's eyes liquefying into familiar gold. Oh Gods, he's angry. "Out of my way." He commanded. Still, his friend stood his ground. "You know you can't go, look I'm being serious here."

"Are you saying I'm not?" A flicker lit inside Joseph's eye. Nearly reminiscent of the one he displayed long before. William eyed him with a grim expression before receding. The air around them is thick and difficult—tense. "I know I can't stop you, but surely you understand. Hades thrives in darkness. He revels in Chaos—he won't stop souls from trying to take you in. He might even join them."


The expression on William's face was one of sheer exasperation. Had it been a different situation, he would have laughed at his face, but it wasn't. " It doesn't matter if he tries to stop me. I will still go. Aesop Carl's fate has been tampered with..." Joseph's voice trailed off.

"If you—if you think I am adding my feelings into this. Even without them, I would still do it." The messenger God's lips pursed, before breaking into a small smile. "You don't try to convince me ya' old man. I know you love him." William then stepped away even so, Joseph could tell a part of him was disappointed at his decision. No doubt, William must be calling him foolish.

That is what makes a man in love, his foolish drive.

"Can't accompany you on this one. Involving myself will only lessen chances ,but the path you need? Is the place you two frequent."

Joseph's eyes widened. "You have to be kidding."

William's face said otherwise.

With that, the two Gods disbanded. The messenger God with a promise that no soul shall know of what was said. As the sun slowly reached the height of his highest pillar. He ran with the light to the very place that served as a solace for both one God and one youth. He ran and ran until he arrived at his destination. The clouds dispersed at his sudden appearance. He stood alone in that field at first hesitating before sinking his hands into one of the sun's rays. A sword that rivaled the gold in his eyes came about.

The God raised his sword to the sky, to the sun, and then pierced it to the earth. Flowers and the surrounding lake nearly vaporized at the heat he emitted. Dark tendrils stretched out from which his sword pierced. He grinned before creating a slice. The dark spilled like mist, tainting the solace he and the youth loved. The earth split open revealing uneven stairs. The lake spilled into the chasm connecting itself to its depths. "To think you've been hiding here all this time." The God uttered quietly, but he burned.

The sun in the sky grew dim as its bearer disappeared into the earth.

The God and The Youth [IdentityV JosCarl]Where stories live. Discover now