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Itwas another morning for one Naib Subedar. He woke up, huddled among his fellow brethren with the sun peering in. For once he had woken up first and that was a feat in itself. Like a cat, he stretched all his limbs, hearing and feeling the satisfying cracks from it. He steps out into the room, his sandals leaving taps. As much as he was feeling the hunger resonate from his stomach, he decided to wait until everyone was awake first. Naib was feeling generous that day and he knew if he didnnt wait for them, the food served wouldn't be adequate.

Quietly, the young warrior fixed his bed hair as he walked. He passed by Aesop's quarters and saw the youth still asleep with the sun promptly framing his body. If he could draw, he would because honestly, his friend looked very soft at that moment, however he cannot. As he was about to leave. He spots a small triad of white flowers upon the entry way. 'Jos is here' the flowers confirmed it, he was the only one that does those things after all.

This time, Naib wanders off into the kitchen where he spots the women already off making dishes that filled the stomachs with love. "Ah, Naib dear what a surprise." Naib turned to see Ms. Dyer holding a bowl with what could only be described as green mush, salad? "I never would have thought. Aesop and Joseph are a normal occurance but you definitely aren't" she says bringing down the bowl only to get a pestel. Naib chuckles, rubbing the back of his nape "trust me Ma' I'm surprised too. Say have ya seen Jos? I bet he's already here". Ms. Dyer looks at him innocently, juxtaposing the violent mashing her hand did on the mush "Joseph? Ah, I believe I sent him out to pick berries. He should be back by now dear."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Joseph came in holding two baskets full of berries. It would have been normal had he used the small basket Aesop used to bring with him during his walks, but this man decided no we are gonna use baskets the size of water pots. "Ah, Good morning Naib, what a rare sight." Joseph grinned, possibly ignoring the perturbed expression on Ms. Dyer's face. As he set down the baskets the woman huffed "when I said pick as many as you like I did not mean for you to pick enough berries to eat for an entire two weeks! This is over the top—" "—well I wouldn't mind if I had a say." The two looked around to see Naib letting himself seat comfortably while catching the berries in his mouth.

"I mean, Aesop does like eatin' berries so he could probably cut these into size if ya think about it." The warrior eyes a particularly juicy looking berry from the pile before plucking and eating said berry. Joseph hummed thoughtfully "really?" "Yes yes" Ms. Dyer's face contorted to one of nostalgia. "I remember when it was only his first few days in Leo's care. The poor boy would only eat berries and nothing else! It took awhile to coax him to eat anything." Naib subtle watched the way Joseph seemed to glow with curiousity and fondness. "Pardon me for asking but, does Ms. Dyer have any more stories to share?" Joseph flashed a glimmering smile, enough to leave one swooning however Ms. Dyer is left unfazed. "If you want to hear the rest of it, ask Aesop himself. It is not my story to tell" and with that she left them to their own devices.

Silence reigned over them until Naib proposed a certain question. "So.. ya guys anything yet?" Joseph's eyes took a look at the berry-eating-male before said "no, I'm afraid not. At least not yet.". Naib looked at him with a somewhat displeased look. "You better not play him Joseph." "What makes you think that my friend? You know I care for him." "Even now you're guarded with your words." Naib chuckles, chucking another berry down his stomach.

"Ya know, if ya ain't careful, Eli might just still em back. After all he was the first one before ya." If there was anything to pick up from Joseph's reaction, it would be unease. "But to be honest with ya, I don't really care who 'Sop ends up with. I know both of ya care about em a lot and either way one of ya will end up being the sad friend to comfort. And currently, ya have the winning side."

Naib suddenly stood up and marched towards Joseph. He couldn't help but feel cornered by the other at that moment. Naib points an accusing finger at him, his voice hinted diluted anger "and yet ya still can't man up to admit you love him! You—" "you think it's easy to say that?!" Joseph almost shouting made the other step back.

"I'm sorry my friend but you don't know what I've been through. Love, Love! You can't just throw the word love around! I may feel it right now but perhaps if it's the one he's seeking. Calling what we have something now, makes it real, and that's—" "scary! I know I know" Naib sighed, his hands glides over his face. Looking at Joseph, he spoke with a softer tone.

"Look, I understand ya, I agree, love shouldn't be thrown around dilly dally but don't forget this is my friend we're talking about. My friend that loves you so. Don't even use the excuse that he's not ready. He's not the one who ain't ready. You're the one who ain't ready." For some reason, Joseph felt his chest sink at his words. "Sort your issues out Jos, don't involve 'Sop in it."

After that Naib and Joseph didn't really talk for the rest of the day. Naib would watch from afar how Aesop would smile a small smile as Joseph braided flowers in his hair. The small glare of jealousy from Eli he could feel from a mile away, but those two seem to be unaffected. Watching as a bystander made him feel almost guilty and weary. Knowing that again, one day one of them would be heart broken. These past few days haven't helped in that feeling. Aesop's birthday was in a few weeks time.

Something inside him was telling him that something bad was gonna happen that day. He hopes not, but with the way things are going he might need to watch them more closely.

rAIne Notes
Hiii been awhile yet again I've commited a sin aka of not updating in a very long time. I've been more active in my IG tbh cuz drawing and just chatting away. If ya wanna have a little chat with me ya can find me at rainedropme. And if ya want more stories, each one of the drawings I post actually has a small story attached to it kinda thing. Man in a dream/bebe sop is my favorite one to write tbh.

See ya soon loves

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