Chapter 2

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Hey guys!

So here's the second chapter, lets hope it doesn't suck.


The sound of Michael's empty beer bottle hitting the floor and smashing into a dozen pieces caused his eyes to quickly open. The lights were dim and the loud music was off. He wasn't too sure about how long he had been in wonderland but it wasn't the morning quite yet. He sat up straight causing a guy who's bandanna had fallen and covered half of his face to drop head first onto his lap. He stirred slightly as Michael sat paralyzed not knowing what to do. 

Michael chose not to react. That was until the guy attempted to snuggle his head deeper into his crotch, and for Michael, waking up was the second hardest thing in the morning. He didn't particularly want to freak this guy out and knew that any sudden or loud movements would cause him to open his eyes and have an extreme close up of something that he didn't like revealing until the second date.

Luckily, the guys sight was mostly covered and he looked pretty out of it, so Michael carefully placed one of his hands on his waist and the other on his shoulder and lifted him up so that he could slip from beneath him. But of course it didn't go as smoothly as Michael had hoped as he slipped and ended up falling to the floor with the guy on top of him, only narrowly avoiding the broken glass fragments on the floor.

"Ah, fuck" The guy complained, moving off of Michael and rubbing the back of his head. He took off his bandanna and threw it to the floor before looking up at Michael. 

"Sorry, that was my fault" Michael said before leaning his back against the sofa, the other guy following suit. "Are you okay?" 

The guy bought his palms up to his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them whilst nodding "I think so, erm?" He looked back at Michael waiting to be informed of his name.


"Michael. Yeah I'll be fine thanks. What time is it?" He asked looking around the living room for a clock or a nearby phone.

Michael huffed and pulled his mobile out from his back pocket, the light coming from it was awfully blinding and caused both of the boys to flinch. "Nearly six am" He said, shoving it back to where it came from and ignoring the dozen missed phone calls from his mum.

The other boy nodded and struggled to stand up, grabbing the edge of the sofa to balance himself and offered Michael a hand which he gladly took. Both of them were a little uneasy on their feet seeing as they had previously drank a little-well exceeded the recommended dose. "Who's house is this?" Michael asked, running a hand through his freshly brown dyed hair and pulling the ends of his hoodie over his hands.

"Oh, erm I think it's Luke's? I'm not a hundred percent and it's too early to think." Michael nodded agreeing with him, not wanting to speak as his head had began throbbing and all he wanted to do was flop back onto the sofa and snuggle up into a ball. 

"We had better get out of here before we're both roped into tidying up" The curly headed lad said gently taking Michael's wrist, guiding them over the bottles and people sprawled out on the floor.

"Do you live around here?" Michael asked as soon as the front door closed behind them, feeling the absence of a hand wrapped around his wrist. It was quite cold this morning and Michael felt bad as the curly headed one was only wearing a red flannel.

"Nope. Do you?" Michael wasn't too sure where here was, he'd been dragged along by a friend who was probably still inside but he couldn't be bothered to find him. "Let's get some coffee."

"I'm not much of a coffee drinker."

"Today coffee's your best friend." The guy smiled wide showing off his dimples and Michael shook his head following him over to a cafe that was the only one that seemed to be open at such an early hour. "Sit down I'll get the drinks" Michael didn't complain and slumped down at the nearest table. His brain was fighting to keep him awake but he couldn't hep but fold his arms up on the table and rest his head on top, looking out the window at how dark the sky was and how unusually quiet the streets were.

He lifted his head up at the sound of the chair opposite him scraping on the wooden floor. There were two white cups in front of him erupting with steam. "Thanks" Michael pursed his lips and furrowed his brows realizing he didn't know the boys name.


"Thanks Ashton"

"Don't mention it" Ashton said, lifting up his cup and taking a sip of the scalding hot liquid. Michael found himself staring at the lad so he quickly picked up his cup too and took a giant gulp not expecting it to be as piping hot as it was. He winced and coughed as Ashton tried not to laugh at him but failed miserably.

"It's not funny" Michael said laughing along with him. Ashton shook his head and put down his cup, moving his fringe out of his eyes and watched Michael stick out his tongue in disgust "My tounge's going to be numb for days" he complained, still laughing. Ashton took out his phone from his pocket and sighed. "What's wrong?" Michael asked, noticing the look of distress that was rubbed all over the boys face.

"I need to go" He said, standing up and pushing his chair back under the table.

"Oh okay. I'll see you soon?" Michael hopefully asked.

"Yeah sure. It was nice meeting you" And with that the curly headed boy walked out of the cafe smiling looking down at his feet, and Michael watched as he turned a corner out of his view, hoping that it would be soon.


Gah. That kinda sucked.

I hope that you guys liked it. Enough to vote? Please. I don't know what else to say other than it's late and I'm tired. So thanks for reading and stuff.

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