Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 already! This sure seems to be going fast!

So on Friday we did The Psychopath Test in psychology and it turns out I'm a borderline psychopath. Isn't that lovely?



"I love you" Luke cried out, salty tears streaming down his face and dripping into his mouth. "Ash, please" he reached out to the boy, but Ashton didn't do anything, he just watched as Luke crumbled, falling apart. 
"I have to go" Ashton said, which caused Luke to cry even harder, right up to the point where he couldn't breathe. He slid down the wall and inhailed deeply. Ashton turned around and walked away, and if he could, Luke would have ran after him, shouted after him, done anything really, but instead he pulled his legs to his chest and hid his face, wishing that Ashton's muscular arm was wrapped tightly around him, telling him that everything was okay and how he was never going anywhere. But now Luke knew that he was a liar.

*End of flashback*

When Calum finally regained consciousness, Michael was still gone but he was far too busy throwing his guts up in the toilet to question it. A minute had passed before Luke appeared in the doorway and squatted down next to him, rubbing circles into his back. "I'm never drinking again" Calum spoke when he had a second to breathe before hiding his face in the bowl again,
"You said that last time" Luke chuckled, standing up and returning with a glass of water, one that Calum was very grateful for. "What happened anyways?"
Calum furrowed his eyebrows before saying "What makes you think something happened?" Luke shrugged and leaned against the wall, Calum sighed and copied his movements. "You remember Victoria?" He looked over at Luke and Luke shook his head "that girl I was talking to at your party?" He continued.
"Ah. What happened?"
"About what you'd expect really. She broke up with her boyfriend the day before we met and just got back together with him, just like that" Calum folded his arms over his chest and rested his head on Luke's, the taller boys arm subconsciously wrapped around his shoulders.
"Girls suck" Luke said and Calum nodded his head "which is exactly why I stick to boys" he continued causing Calum to laugh.

"Where's Michael anyway?" Calum asked after a few moments of silence, suddenly missing the brown haired lad.
"Where do you think?" Luke sighed and Calum snuggled deeper into Luke's chest.
"You need to tell him"
"No I don't"
"But you should"
Luke huffed and closed his eyes, rubbing his free hand over his face "I'm not going to hurt him like that, he doesn't deserve it"

Neither of them talked for a minute before Calum decided to state the obvious "He's going to find out eventually"
"No he won't"
"What?" Calum asked, moving his head and sitting up straight so he could look at Luke.
"I'm going to make Ash leave him alone"
Calum shook his head at Luke's ridiculous outburst "You just said you weren't going to hurt him"
Luke smiled whilst saying "Not him, Ashton. I'm going to hurt Ashton"


Michael pulled up outside his house and he and Ashton got out of the truck. The sky was a little lighter seeing as it was now the early hours of the morning. "Nice place you got here" Ashton joked as Michael fished in his pocket for his house keys "are the folks in?"
Michael shook his head "Mum works night shifts"
"And what about dad?"
Michael opened the door and walked inside "Welcome to my humble abode!" 
"Well this is lovely, you should see my place it's dust galore"
"Have you never heard of a duster?"
"Maybe I like to be surrounded in dust" Michael shook his head and closed the door once Ashton had stepped inside.
"Hungry?" Michael asked and Ashton couldn't help but smile.
"Well I am for something"
"You're such an idiot" Ashton smiled and followed Michael up the stairs and into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

The lights flicked on and Ashton immediately noted all that band posters that were messily scattered across the walls and the items of dirty clothing discarded on the floor "You messy tyke" Ashton joked, flopping down on Michael's bed on his back.
"It's not that messy" Michael huffed, laying down next to Ashton. The older lad quickly climbed on top of Michael, which startled him a little "What are you-" Michael didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as Ashton ferociously attached his lips to the younger boy, silencing him. His hands were on Michael's chest and Michael's were simultaneously placed one on Ashton's waist and the other his neck, pulling him down further.

Ashton yanked Michael's shirt from his chest and tossed it to the floor before palming Michael through his jeans, causing a very audible moan to escape from his lips "Ash, Ash I-wait" Michael mumbled onto the older boys lips.
Ashton pulled away and furrowed his eyebrows at the shirtless boy "What's wrong?"
Michael sighed and ran a hand over his face "I just-can't, no wait-I've just never done this before, okay?" Michael spat out, not daring to make eye contact with Ashton.
"I just don't know what to do"
Ashton was silent for a moment and took Michael's chin in his hand, turning his face towards him, forcing them to make eye contact "Do you want to?" Michael thought for a minute before nodding his head. Ashton smiled, reconnecting their lips "Well then, turn around."


Oh my god you guys.

I just had to.

Dedicated to the bae again. I know, I'm so clingy. 

Sorry for the-what 4 days late update? Or is it 3? Idk.

Hope you enjoyed, and they finally did the do. Y'know made the frickle fracle. 

See you next week!

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