Chapter 5

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Hello there,

Sorry the ending to the last chappie was a little rushed, but hopefully you guys got the idea, and it will make sense soon.

Hope you enjoy.


Michael didn't say an awful lot at school the next day, but no one seemed to notice. Luke was far too busy nursing his hangover and cursing that his parties always seem to take place on a Sunday, and Calum was laughing at him. Michael was debating whether he should text Ashton, but what would he say? 'Hi it's Michael, thanks for the blowie :)'? He'd thought about just saying 'Hey, it's Michael' but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Besides, he knew nothing about this Ashton kid really, other than he was 17, a year above him in a different school. He'd probably never see those curls again.

He was just about to put his phone away when it was snatched up by Luke, who squinted at the contact name Michael was looking at. "Who's Ashton Curly?" He questioned, passing Michael's phone back to him, but Michael didn't get a chance to respond.
"Michael's secret boyfriend" Calum quickly said, smirking at the brown haired lad as Michael huffed out in annoyance.
"No he isn't, he's just some guy" 
Luke's eyebrows furrowed "Ashton Irwin?"
"Was that who you were talking to? Browny blonde curly hair, sometimes wear glasses, really thick accent" Luke listed on his bony fingers.
"Sounds like him" Calum said as Michael nodded.
"Oh no" Luke mumbled, but Michael didn't hear him as the bell rang signalling the end of lunch and the start of maths.

Michael rushed off, knowing that Miss would kill him if he were late, Calum was about to follow but he turned back to Luke "What's so bad about him?" he asked, and Luke held a look of sympathy. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it quickly, not knowing how to put the exact words out into the open, after all they might just be rumours.
"He's not good"
"Ugh, he's just, he's just not a good guy to be friends with-" Luke said before interrupting himself "I have to go", rushing off, leaving Calum stood in the empty corridor almost definitely with an after school from Miss Jeffs.


Michael finally settled on sending Ashton a simple 'Hi, it's Michael :)', and immediately regretted adding a smiley face as soon as it sent. Luckily, his phone was on silent as Ashton texted back straight away, like he was sat waiting for some kind of contact.
'Hi, it's Ashton' And Michael knew that it was silly to have put a smiley face on the end of his text and Ashton must have thought it was silly too and he didn't know why he was beating himself up about it until a second later when Ashton texted him a again ':)'. It made him smile and he was about to reply until Calum walked in late and Miss Jeffs started yelling at him.

After Calum got an hour after school, he slumped next to Michael at the back of the room, folding his arms on the table and laying his head down on them, wanting nothing more than to crawl back into bed for the remainder of the day. 

Michael glanced at his phone to reveal that Ashton had texted him again 'How's life?'. Knowing that he wasn't going to pay any attention to the lesson at hand and that Calum was probably out cold he texted him back 'Oh it is grand'
'Sounds interesting. I'm stuck in maths:('
'Haha, me too'
They both talked for a little longer, complaining that maths was so boring and Ashton teased Michael as his class finished ten minutes earlier. It wasn't long until a sleepy Calum lifted his head off the desk and looked over at Michael.

"Did I miss anything important?" Michael shook his head seeing as he wasn't paying attention either and shoved his phone back into his pocket so that Calum wouldn't question it. "You seem happy" Calum sleepily smiled, rubbing the modicum of sleep that managed to form in his eyes away.
"Yeah?" Michael smiled, not noticing that he wasn't happy before.
Calum nodded his head and sat up straight so that he could stretch, only to slump back down into his chair, copying Michael's absurd posture. "Five minutes until art" Calum sighed, squinting at the clock.
"Are you going to go to detention?" Michael questioned and Calum shook his head muttering a little "no way", pulling his phone out to text Luke.

After an hour of Michael, Calum and Luke throwing paint on each others work, and Calum 'accidentally' dumping a pot of dirty water onto Michael's shirt, the final bell of the day rang and they hurriedly packed their things, shoving their work onto the drying rack and throwing their brushes into the sink without sir looking and almost tripped over each other running out the door. 
"Finally" Luke yelled as soon as they were outside walking through the school gates and to Michael's truck. "I'm so tired" He yawned, pushing Calum out the way so he could sit in the middle.
"Hey" Calum huffed, clambering in after him. Michael's rule was that whoever's closest to the radio controls the radio and Luke's knees were now practically pushed on top of it.
"What have we got?" Luke questioned, slapping his hands together as Michael handed him over a pile of tapes.

It didn't take long for Luke to sort through them and settle on some Guns n' Roses, which Calum was strangely happy about. "I would have picked them anyway" He beamed as Luke tried to annoy him about not being able to pick. 
"Where do you want to go?" Michael asked, looking at the two boys. Calum was trying to mess up Luke's quiff and so far his attempts were unsuccessful, probably due to the fact that Luke's freakishly tall and can move out of Calum's reach.
"Luke's bed" They both simultaneously shouted. Michael shook his head and headed towards Luke's.

He pulled up outside Luke's house and all three of the boys tumbled out the van. "Mum's not in" Luke said, fishing around in his pocket for his keys.
"She never is" Calum laughed, pulling out a key from his back pocket and sliding it into the door.
Luke turned to the boy confused "Since when did you get a key to my house?"
Calum smiled and tapped his nose before walking inside. Luke turned to Michael as he said "Your mum gave us both a copy" and patted his shoulder, pushing him inside and closing the door behind them both.
"Why would she do that?" Luke thought out loud.
"Because you always lose yours!" Calum shouted from the kitchen, stuffing his face as per usual.

As the three of them sat down in Luke's living room watching some tv before Calum and Michael would inevitably have to go home, Michael's phone lit up, signalling the arrival of a text and he wasn't surprised when Ashton's name popped up.

'Fancy going for a drive?'


So this chapters a little longer than they usually are-yay!

Was it any good? I don't think it was.

But hey, I wonder what's going to happen next? I don't even know yet!

See you soon. 

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