Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Morgan Mcdowell-Barber


How are you all on this fine day?

I'm procrastinating my psychology work, hence the whole 'two updates in one week' thing.


Michael decided to skip Luke's party. He wasn't up for seeing Ashton get far too comfortable with his perfect girlfriend and be on Luke watch, making sure that he doesn't drink too much. And anyways, it's Tuesday, it was doubtful that many people would turn up.

He sat at home in front of his TV having a Game of Thrones marathon and stuffing his face with some leftovers he'd discovered in the fridge. Michael's night was all planned out but over at Luke's, things weren't going too well.


"Careful!" Calum shouted at some guy who almost knocked over a glass vase that was sat on the coffee table in Luke's living room. He quickly rushed over and picked it up before walking around, trying to locate a tall blonde. He found him in his usual corner of the kitchen, where the alcohol was always placed. "Luke!" Calum called out, trying to push his way through the crowd of teenagers blocking his passage. Luke didn't hear him and picked up a beer, drinking half of it before stopping for a breath. "Dammit, Luke" Calum said, snatching the bottle from his hand and causing Luke to huff in annoyance.
"Give it back, Cal"
"You've had enough, and where the hell's Michael?" Calum complained, checking his phone to see if Michael had texted him.
"I don't know, is Ash here yet?" Luke questioned, leading Calum into the hallway by his arm where it was much quieter.
"I haven't seen him yet" Calum stated, looking around for a curly head.
"He's probably banging Michael in a toilet somewhere" Luke laughed and Calum rolled his eyes.
"Don't be a dick, Luke" he said, storming off into the kitchen and shoving the glass vase into a cupboard.

Luke sighed and went upstairs to his room, kicking out a couple who were in the process of doing something unspeakable in his bed. He flopped down head first into his pillow letting his limbs fly about aimlessly and turned his head so he could just about peer out of the window. There were a few cars out front and a couple of people stumbling about, but no Ashton. He pulled out his phone and texted Michael 'Get your butt to my house now'. It wasn't long before Michael text back.



'I said no'


Luke shoved his phone back into his pocket and buried his face into the soft surface of his pillow and almost leaped a meter into the air when he noticed the open condom packet next to him. Great, now I'll have to change my sheets he thought to himself and grumbled in annoyance. He heard another car pull up and couldn't stop the smile forming on his face when he noticed it was silver, and how a curly headed lad and a petite brown haired girl stepped out of it.

He practically sprinted out of his room and this time locked it behind him, and pushed past people as he made it to the bottom of the staircase. He spotted Calum chatting up a girl and shouted to him "Did you see where Ashton went?" Calum pointed over to the kitchen and Luke almost pushed the poor girl over as he ran past them. Luckily, she fell into Calum's arms and he made a mental note to thank Luke later for that.

Ashton was in the process of passing the girl a beer when Luke spotted them and waltzed over. Ashton noticed him from the corner of his eye and quickly pushed the girl out through the back hoping to lose Luke.
"What's wrong?" The girl asked, reaching out for Ashton's hand.
He looked down at the ground and shook his head before replying "Nothing, don't worry about it" She reluctantly nodded as Luke opened up the backdoor and spotted them.

"Ash! There you are!" Luke smugly smiled as he made his way over to them. Ashton looked annoyed, there was no doubt about it, but he managed to hide it in his tone of voice.
"Sorry, I don't believe we've met" Luke said, turning to the girl "I'm Luke"
"Pauline, hi" He smiled, shaking her hand lightly. Ashton turned to Luke trying to figure out what game he was trying to play,  but Luke's expression was unreadable.

"So how have you been?" Luke asked Ashton, folding his arms.
"Good" Ashton stated, squeezing Pauline's hand, hoping that she would be able to come up with an excuse so that they could leave. Unfortunately, she didn't get the hint and instead smiled up at him.
"I thought you would have been with Michael" Luke commented and Ashton's head whipped up.
"Who's Michael?" Pauline questioned and Luke raised his eyebrows at Ashton, biting his bottom lip.
"He's an old friend" Ashton said, a little too quickly.
"An old friend?" Luke questioned and Ashton quickly nodded, eyeing up the tall boy.
"Oh. You never mentioned him before" Pauline said, sipping her beer as Ashton's cheeks started to heat up.
"I must have" Ashton said "Anyways, we'd better be off" he quickly said before Pauline had a chance to speak up.
"But you only just got here" Luke pouted and Ashton looked mad.
"Babe, are you okay?" Pauline asked and Ashton nodded.
"Yeah, just tired. Do you mind going to the car I'll be there in a minute" Ashton said, handing the car keys to she girl, she slowly nodded before walking away and glancing back every few seconds.

"Well, she's-" Luke started but he didn't get a chance to finish as Ashton had grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the wall.
"What the fuck was that all about?" Ashton spat in his face, causing Luke to flinch.
"What was what?" He cheekily questioned, pretending to act oblivious. The people that were outside had now vanished back into the house so the two of them were left alone.
"Don't fucking start, Hemmings" Ashton warned, letting go of the boys collar and running a hand through his hair.
"I know what you're doing with Michael" Luke said and Ashton looked up at him in disbelief.
"Did he tell you?"
"He didn't need to tell me" Ashton sighed and sat down with his back against the wall, running his hands over his face. Luke slowly fell down the wall and sat next to him, hugging his knees closely to his chest. "He's my best friend you know"
"I thought Calum was your best friend?"
"I have two" Ashton glanced over at Luke, he was staring up at the sky. It was pitch black and he couldn't see a single star. "I just don't want him to get hurt"
"I wouldn't hurt him"
"You hurt me"

The two boys sat there in silence for a moment before Ashton whispered "I didn't mean to" Luke turned to the older boy, who now looked small and vulnerable. Ashton leaned forward and connected his lips to Luke's. It took a moment but Luke finally pushed him off.
"We can't do this, not again" he quietly said.
"I know"
"You have Pauline"
"I know"
"You can't do this to Michael" Ashton looked down at his hands and Luke sighed. "Have you fucked him yet?"
"It's not like that"
"It's always like that" 

Ashton looked up at the boy and he looked sad. It was the same look that Luke had given him when he told him that he couldn't see him anymore and it broke his heart all over again.
"We haven't fucked, okay?"
Luke let out a single laugh "Why is he being so secretive about it then?" Ashton looked down at his hands again, he knew what Luke was going to say. "Was it one of your deep conversations that ended with a blow job?" Ashton stood up and Luke followed suit.
"You know nothing" He said, walking away.
"I know Michael, and I know how much you'll ruin him!" Luke shouted after him, not knowing if he heard him or not. He pulled out his phone and texted Michael 'I'm sorry'

It wasn't long until his phone lit up with a reply 'For what?'

'For being such a dick'

'You're not a dick'

'Are you coming over?'

'I'll be there in 10'


Look at this long chapter! 

You're very welcome.

I hope that you guys enjoyed it. Did you guess the whole Pauline thing? Or Luke and Ashton's past? Or why Calum is always roped into making sure that Luke stays within the limit? All will be revealed soon! Maybe.

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