Chapter 8

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Hello hello hello,

How is everyone on this fine day? Do you know what today is? That's right! Not update day! But I am feeling creative so here is the next chappie!


Nearly two whole weeks had passed since Michael and Luke had seen or even heard from Ashton. Michael was worried to say the least, he must have sent him over a hundred texts before Luke confiscated his phone. "Why is he so important to you?" Luke moaned, holding Michael's phone up high so that he couldn't reach it. Perks of being tall.
Michael huffed jumping up with his arm stretched out trying to snatch it back "He just is, okay?" he complained, grabbing onto Luke's arm and yanking it down.
Luke quickly grabbed Michael's phone with his other hand and held it up, causing Michael to whine and pout as he stood crossing his arms over his chest. "You need to stop annoying him" Luke said, trying not to focus on the fact that his arm had started cramping.
"Something might be wrong" Michael said, sitting down on Luke's sofa.
"I'm sure he'll be fine"
"Can you promise that?"
Luke huffed and flopped down next to Michael, handing his phone over to him and muttering a quiet "here" in the process.

"Why do you care anyway?" Michael questioned and Luke shrugged his shoulders.
"I just don't want you getting attached to this guy. What do you even know about him anyway?" Michael opened his mouth to respond but closed it quickly. "Exactly" Luke sighed, taking his own phone out of his pocket and shifting his position so he was sat cross legged in front of him. He texted Ashton 'Please text Michael back'. It wasn't long until his phone lit up with a response.

'What's the point'

'He's worried'

'Then let him worry. I don't care'

'Just tell him that you're fine. Be mean. Do whatever, just give him something'


Michael's phone vibrated and he quickly picked it up smiling when he saw it was from Ashton. 'You don't give up, do you?' 
"Is that Ash?" Luke questioned, trying to get a look at Michael's screen.
Michael quickly moved his phone out of view "Ash?"
"Yeah. Ashton" Michael furrowed his brows whilst replying to his message 'Of course not'.

'I'm fine, okay? You don't need to worry about me'

'I do though'

'Then you need to stop'

'Are you okay? Like really okay?'

'I'm splendid'

'No you're not'

Ashton didn't respond after that so Michael locked his phone and shoved it back into his pocket, safely out of Luke's reach, pleased that he got some sort of response from Ashton. "Everything okay?" Luke asked, noticing Michael's still confused expression.
"You called him Ash"
"Oh. Did I?"
"You know you did" Michael narrowed his eyes at Luke, he knew how much of a terrible liar he was. He was about to question him further when the front door flung open and in walked Calum, well, stumbled.

"What on earth?" Michael questioned standing up and walking towards the boy, holding him up by his shoulders against the wall.
"Mikey!" Calum cheered, leaning forward are wrapping his arms around Michael's waist.
Luke sighed and pushed past the two mumbling "I'll get the coffee". 
Michael freed himself from Calum's death grip and propped him back up against the wall "What did you do?" Calum shrugged and smiled sleepily, sliding down the wall a little. Michael only just managed to lead him to the sofa and lay him down on it.

Luke was still in the kitchen, texting away on his phone when Michael walked in. "How is he wasted at 3 in the afternoon?" Michael questioned, grabbing a mug from the side and walking over to the coffee pot.
"Did he say anything to you?"
"No, why?"
"How would I know?" Luke huffed, taking the mug, that was now filled with black coffee into the living room  where Calum was snoring his head off.

Michael's phone vibrated, he pulled it out to see that Ashton had finally responded 'Are you at home?'

'No, I'm at Luke's'

'I need to see you'

'Then come over'

'Can you meet me somewhere?'

'Fine. Where?'


Michael hopped into his truck and drove down dozens of dirt roads that he didn't know previously existed before he spotted a head of curls, stood at the edge of one of the roads. He smiled as soon as he saw Ashton but Ashton didn't smile back. He looked sad. Really sad. He hopped into the truck next to Michael and carefully closed the door behind him.

Michael decided not to be the one to speak first as he continued driving, not knowing where he was going and not knowing if Ashton had a particular destination in mind, but as he kept glancing at the small boy looking out of the window he couldn't help himself. "What's wrong?"
Ashton turned to the lad and blinked a few times before shaking his head and muttering a quiet "Pull over" Michael sighed but abided, only this time he stopped Ashton as he reached for the younger boys belt.

Ashton retreated his hands and looked up at the boy confused. "Not this time" Michael said and Ashton smiled. It was a weak smile but it was progress.
"Finally gotten over me then?" Ashton whispered and Michael frowned, noticing that Ashton's smile just made him look sadder. If that was even possible.
Michael frantically shook his head and Ashton averted his eyes, and looked out the front window again. "Why did you want to see me?" Michael questioned and Ashton sighed.
"I don't know" Michael looked out the front window too and felt Ashton's hand brush up against his own. He grabbed it without a thought and Ashton nearly pulled away.

"What are we doing, Ash?" Michael questioned and Ashton's head snapped towards him.
"You called me Ash?"
"Yeah, why?"
"It's just. Nothing really" Ashton turned his head away from Michael and looked down at their fingers slotted together.
"What is it?"
Ashton let out a single laugh before responding "I had a friend who used to call me that?"
Michael gulped and inched closer to the boy. "A good friend?"
"A really good friend" Ashton smiled and looked over at Michael. "But he's gone now"

The two boys sat in silence for a few minutes before Ashton carefully climbed on top of Michael, straddling him. "What are you-" Michael began but Ashton silenced him by placing his lips onto his. The kiss was slow and gentle but their lips were rough and Ashton tasted like cigarettes. It was only a hint but Michael was confused, he didn't know Ashton smoked. Michael was the first to pull away. He reached up a hand and caressed Ashton's cheek. "What are we doing, Ash?" He whispered. He could feel the boys hot breath quicken on his cheek and Ashton sighed, leaning forward so that he could nuzzle his head into Michael's neck.
"I have no idea"



Little bit of fluffy Mashton for you guys:)

Hope you enjoyed, and are prepared for a little bit of drama in the next chapter!

Dedicated to AllyGenevive62 because she's lovely.

See you next week!

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