We Need to Talk 2

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"I like you."

The words hit me like a wave. My ears temporarily went deaf, and from my heart outwards, my blood ran cold, then immediately turned warm as the heat rose to my face. It took me a long, long time to process those three measly little words.

He liked me.

Me? Why me? Why not some soft Demeter girl who loves plants more than humans? Or one of the Aphrodite guys? Or anyone who's parents are the main twelve gods? Surely it was better than the daughter some obscure sleep god. (sorry dad)
I had my own issues, too. I was damaged goods, more damaged than the other demigods that I had met. For fucks sake, Leo knew as well as I was that I've murdered a human being twice.
So... Why me?

"мне..? п-почему я...?" I managed to sputter out the exact question in my confusion. I cleared my throat. I swore I heard Samuel L. Jackson in my head: English, Luna. You speak it motherfucking fine.

"I... I mean--" I stuttered, trying to find the words I wanted to say.
"Same... I mean-! Not really same--? I don't... Like myself really it's more vice versa??? Is that the word? Yea..." I rubbed my neck. Is he getting the right idea? Or am I coming off as stupid? What I was trying to say was "hey I like you back!"

I heard Leo burst into laughter.

"E-eh?!" My face flared up, I swore my hair puffed out like one of those lizards. I huffed and looked away, burrowing my hands deeper into my pockets. What's this bastard laughing at?

"Okay-- okay I'm sorry I'm sorry--! That was just uh... really cute." He had that stupid puppy grin on his face that made me fall for him so hard. He rubbed the back of his neck. I wanted to punch him in the face and scream "stop! Being! So! Charming!!" but that isn't a very good reaction; so I kinda just... Laughed softly and fiddled with the zipper of my jacket.

"So..." I mused, pushing my glasses up. It was odd to me that I still couldn't look him in the eyes for very long. I never was able to. His eyes were always focused on something, even if it wasn't the right thing to focus on. Leo was always examining every little detail on everything, hyperfocusing on the small things. Sometimes I felt he was trying to count every freckle on my face.

"Okay so I didn't think i'd make it this far--" Leo stammered.
"I didn't really plan on you liking me back, even though Willow said it tons of times--"

"Willow told you...? S... She mentioned you liked me, I-I just didn't think it was for real."

"Oh same dude same-- But I also wanted to say it's maybe a good idea if we waited until uh..." He gestured around.
"Until this boils over? I don't know I just think we should try to save the world first."

"Yea yea yea I agree, we have uh- we have some priorities other than dating and I think it's a bit crucial to have a world to live in...."

"Oh yea no I totally agree."

"Yea so! So we're--"

"Gonna wait. Totally."



We sat there for a moment, in pure, awkward silence. It was seriously deafening. I really wanted to just kiss him right then and there, but I had to wait.


"Willow's calling-- g..gotta go!" Luna stood and was about to leave, but she turned to face you. A soft smile pulled at her lips, a genuine one. There was no ego or masochistic desire. Just pure fucking serotonin. Which you both need.

You were about to say some kind of joke, maybe a crack about "is that a dagger or are you just happy to see me?" (Which would have made no sense.) When Luna rather quickly bent down, placed her cold hands on the side of your face and kissed your cheek.

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